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Everything posted by bwrts

  1. " It's on the White Block, which is the highest developed cliff on that particular massif" The highest rock on the hill? I climbed some rad lines with Mitch in the area about 10years ago. One crack on the hill top was called omak crack I thought, but it was rated 11+ (maybe 11)... awesome line, none-the-less.
  2. wow! the sun exposure in the area has reached aspect-kill all ice. capp and I drove by there this afternoon and noticed the recent ice departure that you fortunately bailed from...
  3. Yea planet rock! happy christmas granite family!
  4. bwrts

    how long?

    Guinness is good for you!!
  5. just what we need more regs... that screener was speaking rhetoric bull. mike just tell her the truth. climbing is dangerous. shit happens...even to the best of them. Based on discussions I have been involved in with very much NON climber-type-people: I am sure a lot of people in america think climbers are insane just for trying...especially in winter conditions. No offence to anyone. As one well respected american author once said "Auto racing, bull fighting, and mountain climbing are the only real sports ... all others are games." Ernest Hemingway
  6. Oh rudy...dont worry the spanish will not care, but I do agree that Tim should just leave it be and climb the crack with gear, take pictures and then post them in local spain sites, whatever...to mock the frenchie behavior. Way more of a statement. Also, rename the routes...claim first ascent, etc.
  7. Actually the "Y" symbol is placed on the map with the tip pointing in the direction of the entrance to the mine tunnel, adit or cave entrance. FYI
  8. bwrts


    my favorite sipping whiskies: 1)Bullit 2)Jameson and Makers Mark (tie) 3)Crown Royal 4)and Jack D Scotch is basically a different topic all together. I enjoy the less the smokey flavors.
  9. and its craaap too
  10. "The water table seepage patterns at this place are radically different from year to year at Banks" most likely due to ununiform fracture patterns in the subsurface basalt with smears of glacial spew and fluvial outwash mantling the rock.
  11. I always thought MaxD originally rated the pitch 12- And Druspot is correct disVantage is a fun, evolving pile...not sure about the every 5min comment tho. Anyrate, this reminds me of when strip minors was first climbed wayback when... Cap and I spent a few hours kicking the cliff prior to attempting to hold on for bolt placement, etc. It was about then we realized how stooopid and gai this activity was but since we started the little put down proj, we finished it. I remember it being a tricky 10a or b; the climb to the right (done by jim y et al.) was actually also sent that afternoon as well (prior to jim's party the following week). We called it paranoid cuz jim drove off yelling out his window, while clutcn hangers from the top anchor, "Yah better not not climb my rooooot...." we just laughed, tied the dogs to the dog bolt and then rapeled off the tat and ancient bolt hangers (from out bolt kit)down jims route. I bet jim saw our tat the next weekend, replaced it with the original hangers and then modified the route a bit prior to his First Ascent. Whatever really the point is the Frenchmens Coulee is a pile. Even the best walls change a bit... afterall cliffs all exfoliate/mass waste to some degree.
  12. This is funny!~ Were the routes closed before? Anyrate, perhaps they are legit, well traveled climbing people. But I bet prior to their attitude on RRs being lame, they enjoyed climbing in the canyons, even the gallery.... WAIT... actually, they are right, it is lame, boring, unscenic and definitely not worth visiting. Lance: the drive to Leavenworth is about 2.5hrs give or take 10-20min.
  13. Not sure on my absolute favorite new album, but I did really dig BTS's new set: Built to spill- you in reverse Started listening to Fiasco this year and they rock for sure; Local Seattle Band
  14. what you think D has no brains and would leave a loaded weapon behind him as he climbs on his new wall?? gaurding the holds and his psych! Yup good for D (cattalk)!
  15. bwrts

    321.3 feet.

    the old version of penguin ball was waaaay better... blood and distance = fun fun. anyone know where it is located?
  16. jens, do you believe everything you hear/read? what limestone route could be better than hanging on skinfriendly sandstone jugs that are pink/orange while looking up at brown/chocolate tinted rock and standing on light brown/white hues. Fukin Neopolitan man. Not to forget about the holds/crossbedded texture, and flora views...boring indeed. GO climb some limestone and send me some pics as I wouldn't mind checkin out a few other places in good ole vegas....
  17. Training on gaurd detail...typical behavior.
  18. no i was directing this to kevbone. and no I have not climbed it...
  19. so you saw people climb the route sans gear and bolt but flash it?
  20. does removing the crack bolt compromise the safety of you the leader? will you hit the ground if you do not place the crux piece? gear cruxes: I would imagine that placing the gear ground up on Citypark was part of the crux for mike. placing the gear on red m n m's (vantage) is the crux for me; having TRd the pitch clean countless times but no gumption to lead it cuz the gear seems tough, so I continue to be happy TRing.
  21. kinda like orbit, why replace such bolts. there is gear nearby. oh yeah, cuz they look scary and climbing should be SAFE for the masses cuz they may sue me cuz i thought about replacing them and have the means to but I didn't cuz I am a selfish climber who only climbs to waste time and go crazy places outside in nature, which is dangerous cuz there are mt creatures that may attempt to catch me. Whew... bolted cracks today...are lame. I know I have a couple stray bolts in precarious places that have near gear placements... but with all do respect, failing there w/o the bolts nearly killed/hurt me so I chose to put the bolt in...mistake...? ...probably. definitely lame. My thought was its one fN bolt near a crack. (which is on some little rock in a place that rarely gets traffic and I can see license plates in the snow creek pking lot from the stoop.)... If it really bothers you then go remove the bolts next to the crack in the pics. I think they are lame bolts but have no time nor great need for hangers. Fuk i am rambling and can't wait for my new snow tires to arrive here in Leav so I can go out and back to the w-side.
  22. bwhahaha. oh you could never sell lucy and baja. mrs granite would...cry...and... besides, like I said down there on my visit; Good place to visit, don't want to live here.
  23. fuk. I miss redrocks and vegas.
  24. with the temps and amt of precip we have gotten I would say why bother? I might drive out that way tomorrow for a xcski...maybe.
  25. kinda like how some parties freed excalibur? that should be fun. I would try this method with ya sometime...
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