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About bwrts

  • Birthday 11/30/1999


  • Occupation
    geologist/arborist in training
  • Location
    Washington State

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  1. Steph- thanks for sharing those spectacular pics! John-your hobby is fantastic!!
  2. way to go young Ruana! tuff bones indeed...
  3. Thank you OKclimb for the new beta. Looks like some good stuff.
  4. GREAT JOB TEAM! This is sooo needed. I can't help but notice the fact that the imagine toilet here location in the flyer would be in the classic Frenchman's Coulee photo shot. ~IS this the proposed location? I just want to clarify the location. Why not put said toilet over in the SE corner of lot across the small access road/hill from the kiosk? I.E. where the old honey bucket was located. Much more aesthetically placed IMHO. Also, is it only 1 vault or 2 for $50,000? Lastly, why is it so many of you call it Vantage? The guide books call it Frenchman's Coulee and the climbing is closer to George, WA. Never made sense to me.
  5. Yep its early Spring-like Conditions out there. South facing slopes fairly dry..cold in the am tho, 26F currently at my house, southeast of town, in the shade. The Ski Hill is now closed for the season due to lack of Snow. I hope we get a bit more snow, the Leavenworth Winter Sports Club x-c trails have been superb.
  6. that had to be the most granite in one TR ever on cc.com. thanks for sharing! looked nice and tasty...
  7. fixed draws are lame. I don't understand why it became the norm other than climbers can be very lazy. i.e. very difficult to remove draws every time you're done working the "proj". i say if you leave it, shouldn't it really be "left booty"? another pet peeve of mine is TRing on the fixed lowering/rappel point (chain, fixed carabiners, etc.). If you plan to TR, add your own slings to the anchor, then remove when rappelling. pretty easy to do and also saves the wear on fixed hardware...big time. Chain/fixed biners or quicklinks are not cheap!
  8. Good times always had in Stronghold. Thanks for the reminders.... the nesting closure usually starts Mar 1 Cochise (WML) Dome and Rockfellow Group being the only closed crags til june. Granite Mt is earlier.
  9. ah yes the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness and Granite Peak is such a wild place. Saw my first real grizzly bear swimming around in Huckleberry lake on my wife's and I failed attempt (she had seen many spending her younger days in WY during summer break). yes we turned around because the bear was headed for our path of ascent since we had neither horse, dog or gun. they are so f'n big! can't wait to go back. endless amazing buttresses and such solitude! thanks for the story and pic to remind me of round 2.
  10. just curious. i don't rope solo. partners in crime or bouldering is best. i suppose at times the boulder happened to be really big.
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