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Everything posted by bwrts

  1. I usually forgo specialty approach shoes and use nikes- typically reliable and way more comfy.
  2. name calling aside... got back on the buttress this weekend with my wife and climbed the weiner route to the cave route to the top. A good alternative to R & D as Kelsay says, "not that much harder; except for the first pitch" except fot the weiner route, all climbing is 5.7ish and easier. The connection from weiner to the cave is a bit dirty and does require a pitch or two of walking and easy slab climbing up low angle ledge system, depending on length of pitches. I elected to not climb too far above Kelsay due to rope drag across the grassy,sandy and loose rubble benches (all and all good climbing). To keep 5.7 and easier one can climb "leaner" or to keep around up to 5.8, one can climb the 5.8ish crack out of the cave (thin gear). FWIW- spied a blue metolius or wildcountry cam stuck in the pitch below cave. Didn't bother hanging out to retrieve this cam but one with a bit more time could easlily extract it. if someone adds a nice high res picture I can draw line on for furture parties to follow.
  3. How do you get to MTn Air?? --I was there once but can't remember which ally like entrance I go down behind denny's. Agree that LMS rocks! Unsuprised about the lack of a size; last minute shopping in good 'ole 509 can bite you in the ass unless your willing to be prepared for disappointment.
  4. Great old school leather telemark boot with plastic uppers cost= Free + shipping... I will deliver locally in Seattle Area for 6pack of sierra pale ale or equivalent. Shipping elsewhere via whatever carrier method you prefer + cost of 6-pack sierra. Send payment for shipping via paypal and then I will send the boots to you on next business day.
  5. All approaches to the plateau/mesa are long brushy and full of jackstrawed trees, except maybe prusik pass. The elevation gain up Hook Creek will likely crush anyone carrying a large overnight pack with climbing gear... Toketie sucks due to overuse--trail is also loose and dusty. Rat creek is long and ephemeral. In summary, obtaining photos similar to ones depicted above is not an easy prospect... Unlike the alternatives- enchantment, colchuck, stuart or 8mile/Cashmere areas.
  6. wow...glad to hear you are on the recovery road now! thanks for sharing... I can definitely relate to idea of "cratering" and having a kick ass partner who saves your life. Cheers to sobo!
  7. the best bet is to drive to vantage or peshastin pinnacles and show your newb some of the best rock climbing areas in the state. BoB wall is only worth climbing if you are up there already via climbing Icicle Buttress. not worth hiking up hill... Domestic Dome has some descent slabby easy routes. Sam hill has a couple easier climbs and couple move 5.10's. Purina has some easier areas but spread out. Planet of the Eights has some easier climbs. There is new crags scattered around JY area with easier climbing...
  8. purchase the book Rock N Road by Tim Toula. Rock N Road website Comprehensive catalog of USA and Canada climbing areas and possible areas. well worth the money...
  9. went once. not sure why I never went back. except that if you hike anywhere else that long in the icicle or tumwater you can expect nice granitic exposures and time to climb those is always much more worth it when wasting time. anyrate, always thought the crags were well worth more visits. all tiers included. heard once the drive up the road approach saved some hiking but then I also heard it takes longer. Any advise which way is better?
  10. It is more than likely snowing there now.
  11. called about c4 .5
  12. just curious where the route is located on the face... i assume this is the standard route. can you draw a line on a photo of Yellow Jacket Tower?
  13. what about stealing threads with stupid pictures? SCoco= yep bolting on lead at FC would be comedic if not suicide as the majority of face climb rocks in the coulee is crap and deffinitely needs route prep (ie route crafting/loose rock removal). Another point to be made is many ground up face climbs are considered very bold climbs. (ie bachar yerian Tuolumne) Placing bolts on lead is very difficult and takes a different sort of mindset that many climbers do not possess. as for peoples projects: one should contact the route prep person prior to climbing line and ask permission. Time money spent are a big deal and should not be shunned. Sometimes life gets in the way for someone... and we are merely wasting time in life while climbing. If multiple attempts to contact the person proove futile then the climb should be considered abandoned and open to new fa attemptees; flat out stealing a proj/or stating times up, now its my turn is (in my opinion) merely a frenchie bullshit attitude towards climbing...
  14. typical. index seems to go through fads of popularity. and braggin about being there w/o people will not bring the hordes that you may seek. ~we climbers should push for train depot in Index so commute cost is decreased...
  15. nice site mr. wilson... thanks for the link mcJizzy
  16. tumwater campground hike or drive up forest circus road that leads to one of the various trailheads on Hwy2,find pullout somewhere along the way and camp. campground in Monitor, near Wenatchee. Campgrounds on hiwy 97 Blewitt Pass.
  17. [quote=sexual_chocolate btw, i don't think there is any sort of "ground up" ethic at vantage, beyond what the late bill robins tried to endorse. You are wrong. There are "still" a handfull of climbers who support ground-up ethics at Frenchmens Coulee/vantage and who have practiced such ethics. Choss or not, cracks have been pioneered this way at FC for many generations. Sport climbs on the other hand have (to my knowledge) never been done this way at FC. The security of a crack is way better versus hangin on some crap-rock face climb yarding loose rock off while attemping to drill in the superdense basalt.
  18. almost looks like the man.
  19. To my knowledge CB route does not get done much. IF at all, other than one or two ascents? anyone...? The cs variation has been repeated ? somewhat... The nose route has been repeated a bunch of times (I imagine). I know of a small number of people who can take claim. One party missed the crux roof and instead climbed feature to left (dubbed Kleenix Variation). KLB variation...possibly repeated. Area looks ok. The pedestal- repeated a few times. E face repeated a few times, perhaps more than 3. BBluff route- ? Honestly, the details are sketchy due to bridge creek wall has been tradionally kept adventurous with no more than a line on photo and a bit of rack beta. The topo in the Leav Rock 1st ed. should be taken with a grain of salt; gets you up the wall but good route finding skills a must. The typical rack used on ascents equates to standard free rack. Approach from little BCwall and have fun in the sandbox. Decent game trails usually steer you around the biggest cliffs. Typically 2 hours. From most route ends, a good Snag along the south end or Climbers right deposits one to navigatable ledge and gully systems to eventual steep sandy bruch covered slopes and after much sand filled shoes you pack. I can not recall if the rap is avoidable but one rope will suffice. And then the long decline back to the road. Allow a long day car to car. Never hear of overnight trips due to short ashy-sand approach.
  20. okay rudy, gas pockets in granodiorite? my god! likely the bolt was drilled into an inclusion of country rock (not granodiorite, specifically the original rock in the area which the magma intruded), which was obviously weaker. I have not personally examined this section of the cliff but I know the general area is ripe with such features. Also, you don't get gas pockets in granitic-type rocks. This is because of the generalized cooling time... the magma cools very slowly due to the heat and where its located beneath the surface the earth. Volcanic rocks that have gas bubbles (like basalt) is due to the rapid cooling process atop the land surface. More probable than not, the bolt pulled because the rock quality in the section of the cliff is poor and with the outward thrust of quickdraw/rope it was yanked free. As for the integrety of the bolts question: really one should ask is why was this crap bolted in first place. I mean seriously, the bolter totally overlooked resurrecting perfectly good cracks to the right (inbetween spaghetti sauce and "beast") which were full of dirt and forgotten-- now cleaned up a bit with a few more ascents. one is 11- and one is 10-. -Yeah the "beast" is cool looking and yep, its steep, powerful and hard climbing but honestly do you think all sections of cliff should be climbed? Anyrate, I imagine any bolt there will eventually work loose and fallout due to the grainy nature of the rock. Differential Erosion at work again.
  21. Rappin on a 6 or 7 mm w/9.4mm would be a bear in my opinion due to the small diameter tag line. Is the weight difference and amount of time pulling up the rope really that problematic? Leading with skinny twins or doubles seems more trouble-some to me due to rope catching friction in cracks. I prefer the one skinny lead rope and leader draggin the rap rope Method. Only have to worry about one rope in the belay and protection systems.
  22. Doesn't bother me. I laugh heartily and so does my wife. Now I bow down to all you whiney kayakers uttering appologies as I wink at you from the cliff afar with my jackass brown eye. (I suppose I believe that we are ALL jackasses for partaking in climbing or kayaking as there are WAY more productive things to do in this world-let alone spray about it). Ok now Back to the IButt- anyone ever climb the routes called Yellow Wall or John Henry????
  23. its not going to rain in Leavenworth that much...and there is always the beloved favorite of cc.com, The Peshastin Pinnacles... IF you buy a salmon license you get a parking pass with it.
  24. My climbing partner is an ex-kayaker (with many friends that have kayaked probably longer than your buddy) and explained to me about the poor style. whatever. glad, he made it and you all had fun... As for upgrading bolts: as long as they are placed in same hole or very close to same hole then there should not be a problem as long as you remove old bolt.
  25. touche! now that is funny, did not see that one coming... I guess it takes ONE to know ONE.
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