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Everything posted by underworld

  1. you can also come down on the south side of snowpatch. the rap route has nice new rap chains. easy to find, easy to use...single rope raps.
  2. Aug 12-16 a small rei pack/stuffsack containing a yellow OR bivy bag went missing on the 3rd floor of the kain hut. hopefully it was ACCIDENTALLY picked up by someone. if you got it, pm me please.... thanks!
  3. anyone have experience with this ledge? thx
  4. underworld


    male, middle class and white.... but my last name is mexican, so i got into college because of it. true story.
  5. we had vantage all to ourselves on sunday. sunny and cool! there's easy routes there - i know, cuz we were on them.
  6. hate those things.... (disclaimer: i've never tried them on or even looked at them up close)
  7. ...yadda yadda yadda... the one having the most fun...
  8. - it'll be a clean fall - i'll put money in savings NEXT month - sure i've already got a set, but these have thumb loops - it's only the sheath - ...
  9. if you drive a subaru - you can use an old rope as a dog leash.
  10. OMG!!! he's a male!!! fqing reporters are idiots!!!
  11. so he was either caught red handed or rosy palmed.
  12. so for those that only read headlines... if you read further, the articles say that it was found that he had higher than normal levels of testosterone. i wonder how many stage winners test high for this and then the 'b' sample exonerates them. it's a shame that all the headlines say he was doping when it isn't proven yet. remember how many times they said lance was doping - yet time has shown that they couldn't prove anything. guilty till proven innocent.
  13. traditional witch hunt cuz a Yank won. tell me you didn't see this coming. whether he's guilty or not, this was a given. hope he's clean tho.
  14. the truck driver's cell phone told him to do it!
  15. literacy is not the problem. it's attention span - i was raised by MTV.
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