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Everything posted by underworld

  1. underworld

    American Idol!

    did i miss something? did chuck norris win?
  2. so do you clip all your gear and/or bolts below your feet??
  3. on westlake there is "T&A Supply". Back home there was a "BJ Services". i'm sure there's more...
  4. i got a rack full o stoppers and my homeboys do too
  5. but doesn't protect the 1st 15 ft... that's the point. if you're only worried about feet 15 thru 20 then there wouldn't be clipsticks.
  6. this is true, but, what does it have to do with adding bolts to the top of 15ft, 5.8 boulder problems? well, people are talking crap about 15ft not being a highball - ie - nothing to worry about falling from. bolts atop that 15ft is like protecting the first moves of a sport route...as far as safety goes.
  7. i dunno, but i've seen a lot of clipsticks shorter than 15ft. [and used em too]
  8. exhaustion doesn't kill, just like falls don't kill. in each case, it's the stopping that kills.
  9. it's a climber going to feathered friends, cuz he messed his pants
  10. sweeeet!! i looked DOWN that route once, looks awesome. btw - i thought there was offwidth on that route? 3.5 is all you needed?? just curious.
  11. was there mid july last year for 4 days. first day found winter conditions on pigeon, 2 days later was climbing dry on bugaboo. the snowback was good - glaciers were easy to negotiate at that time. good luck, that place
  12. the worst sunburn is the one having the least fun.
  13. D.C. - tell us how you realllly feel... cbs - sure, all places have their own way of doing things. but isn't the rule something like: "when in rome"? why should we have to accomodate that stuff?
  14. blast the boulder so there will be a crack near their bolts... then you'll be ok to chop em.
  15. crackheads going south, potheads going north.... maybe seattle will get a little less crowded.
  16. the trango s boots are not sloggers - they are summer alpine boots IMO. plenty of people get away with them on the big mountains but i think that it's just that...getting away with it. trango's and plastics are kind of opposite ends of the spectrum. maybe you should get something more do-it-all then go with some more specialized stuff later on. some heavier-duty leathers are more versatile. as for crampons, same goes. if you are going to own one pair, get some steel 12 pointer glacier crampons. they will be the jack-of-all trades crampons. then if you decide to be a full-time slogger pick up some lightweight al's or if you get more technical get some super-heal-spur-mono-omaticas...
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