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Everything posted by underworld

  1. where the heck did that come from? but i wouldn't mind it if they confronted the day labor parties outside my place. i see drug deals and prostitutes daily. but they can't crack down on that type of illegal activity, it looks 'racist'
  2. no shit... again... just pointing out the irony of the police protecting the law breakers (and/or those advocating breaking the law) geeeeez!!!! nobody can just respect a little irony - lighten up!!!
  3. but i think that prison stuff would only happen after given a bunch of chances to fix it. of course. the aclu would never let that go down. ya, i've gotta get back to work too - remember, i'm mexican, so i keep this country running
  4. um, no.... just sick of hearing - "don't criminalize illegal immigration" WTF does that mean?!
  5. ok...so i should've been more pc. they aren't illegal, they prefer 'undocumented'. if i get pulled over drunk driving, i'll say i'm un-sober. or if i'm driving a stolen car, it's just un-payed for. then it will all be fine.
  6. 'racist' is a buzzword. i'm second generation here in the states... grandpa came straight from mexico. did it all legally. my point was to point out the screwed up logic here. that the police are supposed to enforce the law - are protecting those breaking the law. same with all these other back asswards fest and get-togethers. play the race card if you will, but i'm just pointing out the stupid logic. also, with all the hate america...america is mean...america is not charitable BS that goes around - it is the place where this sort of bullshit is allowed. they aren't protesting in mexico cuz they'd probably be put in a prison and never seen again.
  7. it makes no sense... imagine: "bank robbers unite"
  8. please help me understand how a protest of illegals can be escorted by the police? if the illegals are coming here because conditions are so bad in mexico - why aren't they protesting the government there and trying to change ITS policies??
  9. why not test the black guy on the team?? racial profiling!!
  10. a hurt index finger is a serious injury?? i hope they don't pull the plug.
  11. beavis...they work themselves loose. yes i rap off tied slings. my rack is mostly tied sling, but i don't rack them on a tied sling. you don't ever check your water knots and see that they've worked themselve a little loose. but do as you will - more booty for the rest of us.
  12. tip - if you use a sling....make sure it's a sewn one and not a tied one. knot comes loose and you'll be sorry.
  13. how are they at opening beers??
  14. underworld


    "powered by GRANDMA"
  15. underworld


    interesting hearing all that from someone named "recycled"
  16. underworld


    but it's fueled with their own fat eventually - fried smores
  17. underworld


    perpetual motion... fatty burns himself, roasts marshmallows on himself, makes self fatter, more to burn, more marshmallows... and so on and so on... alternative energy source?
  18. underworld


    first ariline tickets, then ambulances... now cemeteries
  19. seattle barbie is fat, but uses the "it's who a person is and not what they look like" defense to make herself feel better. belltown barbie is fat, but uses expensive clothes that are too small to make herself feel better aurora barbie is a hooker greenlake barbie is stopping traffic by crossing the street 100 yards from a crosswalk capitol hill barbie is ken
  20. new arc'teryx pack or house payment
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