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Everything posted by underworld

  1. this protest yesterday. the defense of it was that you gotta do something. gotta stand up for what you believe in. even if it isn't popular. scale that up. bush is doing what he believes in (and what he was elected to do) even tho it isn't reported as popular. we live in a small corner of the world here in seattle. mainstream in seattle is FAR from mainstream in the rest of the country, save san fran, new york and the other metros. middle america, or as you put them "rednecks" are the majority of america. like it or not. and if you say that the mojority IS on your side - then why were only a few hundred at the protest yesterday? you say apathy. well, even if it is - it shows that those that are 'apathetic' don't feel strong enough about it to be out there. so, in other words, they are on the fence. that isn't wrong of them, it's their choices and beliefs. but actions speak louder than polls.
  2. it's all perspective man... most of what you just said is your interpretation of what is going on. the reps can say you're delusional...the dems can say the reps are delusional. the key is to not tell someone they are wrong or that they don't know better. for instance... it seems like the left is more willing to try and understand the feelings and actions of some terrorists than it is to try and understand and discuss issues with their fellow countrymen. (sure that happens on the right too...but look thru these posts and see which side was doing the name calling) bush is president at a fucked up time in the world. anyone in power right now would be the focus of much much ridicule.
  3. but did you set them straight and tell them they were wrong? ok...kidding aside. sounds like a reasonable time. did you get to see any of the arrests?
  4. but we had a knife and a shotgun! yeee haw!!
  5. sounds like a booming success.
  6. a climb 'petering out' is subjective. one man't peter out...is another man's walk-up.
  7. Effectively protest US torture policies by: - Put on black clothes, run amok in downtown Seattle throwing bricks through Starbucks' windows. - Utilize any chant beginning with "Hey Hey, Ho Ho.." - Conjoin the protest with one for the oppressed transgender community - Block the freeway and anger people so badly they don't even pay attention much less care what the issue your protesting is concerning. thought that was critical mass??
  8. my lack of protest is not a result of apathy. believe it or not, some people don't think like you. yes, people have their own thoughts. i guess this place isn't that kind of 'diverse' tho. how am i any more a parrot than you?
  9. now your sounding like a bible-thumping-right-wing nut job... keep religion out of this
  10. the current govt is different than other recent ones - that is...it is governing during a war. denying that is "head in the sand"
  11. the added bold statement might make a difference in all of this. idunno. what is important is that things are all fqed up right now, (read: war) standards change and actions adjusted accordingly. on the one side you think that the powers that be in the u.s. are inherently bad and will mis-handle their powers on the other side, i think that the u.s. is inherently good and that certain powers they have will be used in our best interest. you can call be blind all you want or a sucker for believing that certain people are capable of good.... but remember, it's just a different perspective. no group hug tho
  12. i'm not a legal expert... you sound like you are one. so here's the link . what's the difference between it and what you consider due process. so far it's all been alegations that i drive a hummer, drink at starbucks, and am a fqin idiot etc etc... nobody is really pointing to the document that they are so wrapped up about.
  13. editorial it's just as easy for me to say the whole point of climbing is to own a rope
  14. dude.. that's basically what he said. he wants to be SURE before anyone gets approached... this isn't standard. murder suspects, for instance, get arrested BEFORE their guilt is proven. again - nobody has shown from the 'torture bill' that these suspects aren't getting due process.
  15. underworld

    I'm right

    can you provide a link to support that?
  16. f=m*a as 'a' goes to infinity so does 'f'. load is another way to say force. any stretch or knot setting in the runner decreases the 'a'. (slows the acceleration) whether the knot is significant in this is another question. but it sounds reasonable that it acts slightly like a screamer, especially if you don't tighten your knots before climbing. hmmm.. just think of the sound you tie-in figure 8 makes when you take a fall. that's it setting and effectively 'screaming'.. so to speak.
  17. ok.. so let's see if tomorrow changes anything. but i think you're missing the point of my post. where are the demonstrations that condemn inhumane acts of, say, al qaeda?
  18. don't bother DC... i asked for someone to point out some of these same details from the 'torture bill' the other day. a simple cut and past from the bill itself and none of these 'experts' here could deliver.
  19. how do you pick sides on something like this. let's, for a second, pretend that the u.s. condones and celebrates torture. now it's a level playing field. why do you pick the u.s. govt to protest? or is there also a walk-out comdemning the other side's use of torture? when is it? simple question - why are WE (the u.s.) the bad guys?
  20. who exactly are you trying to put down with that?? the Iraqi coalition govt or the 'worldcantwait' people???
  21. the advisory board has as many hip hop performers as it has historians. ...nice
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