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Everything posted by underworld

  1. #4 is gone. Both #5's still available
  2. #4 and #5 are C4's the old #5 is the one prior to the thumb loop. size is between a C4 #5 and C4 #6 #4: $50 #5: $60 old #5: $40 All have been used but are in good condition.
  3. bump! double is gone. single and fly still available. $325
  4. Bump $100
  5. ...
  6. bump! still have both ledges and flys
  7. sold
  8. nick - you in seattle? i think i have a few to get rid of.
  9. sold
  10. Linnaeus called dibs. sale pending. will let you know if it falls thru.
  11. bump BD double still available. $250? (ledge and fly)
  12. #3 and #4 big bros for sale $25 each
  13. Brand new, never used ledge and simply fly. $450 for both this: http://www.mtntools.com/cat/bigwall/ledges/blackdiamondsingleportaledge.htm also have an older BD double ledge and fly. Its the fold-up style ledge. been used a bit but still goes. will sell that kit (ledge and fly) for $300 ..make an offer!
  14. yup.. the solution: get other people to stop going there
  15. DONE! what a legend, inspiration, story etc etc etc...
  16. ugh......that's annoying... oh well... the internet.
  17. we spoke to the first rescuers on the scene. we finished rapping as they got to the base and we directed them to where she fell. we didn't see specifically where she came from. might still contact them...
  18. update to the article make is sound more like a hiker.. not that it really matters. tragic no matter what. i was at the top of the split pillar when it happened and was about the worst thing i could imagine seeing. unrelated: about an hour beforehand, a large chunk of rock fell off the sword pitch. narrowly missing a few parties on the route and several parties at the base of exasperator (etc)... a bad day coulda been a whole lot worse.
  19. anyone have a BD stubby haul bag collecting dust? i'll take it off your hands! thanks! bob
  20. anyone know if any local (seattle area) shops carry the b360a harness? i did see one at feathered friends but it was an XL... no help to me. any experience w/ it? bob
  21. gotta be proud!! that's awesome!
  22. dude... seamseal those puppies... well, do it BEFORE the wall. as for shoes, no idea on what's being proposed. I've used thunders for a few and they seem to work. your feet will hurt regardless. put some weight in which ones are easiest to take on and off.
  23. what's the throw on those hooks??? split it up, man!!
  24. fyi - those gonda's are RAD bigwall shoes. wish they were my size.
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