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Everything posted by underworld

  1. hmmmm... "i will appologize to nobody" "i'm sorry my words were misunderstood" at least this guy didn't end it by passing the buck... he took resp. and walked away from it all.
  2. i'm sure his fantasies are of small hands. it boosts morale.
  3. the kids need to learn that bush is evil... before they start asking questions or thinking on their own.
  4. We are ALL hypocrites. so if you SAY you're a hypocrite...does that mean you do or don't do hypocritical things
  5. underworld

    It has arrived

    pull down the plastic
  6. well that's convincing....he MUST be guilty then.
  7. umm.. well..yeah... exactly
  8. so gay marriage is ok, but not gay sex extramarital affairs are wrong, unles it's clinton since this is a combination of the above...watch out!
  9. the diverse left just can't fathom it, that someone has a different opinion than theirs...
  10. pick it apart as you will...but reports go both ways on this. link whether it is true or not - people, like you, choose to believe their news source.
  11. underworld

    "We are winning"

    the excuses after the election will be... overwhelming
  12. underworld

    "We are winning"

    bush did better in school than kerry...fyi so are we now handing out muligans for mis-speaking? or just if a democrat does it? we can revisit some bush bashing that was based on him forgetting a word or two.
  13. underworld

    "We are winning"

    umm...wasn't kerry doing the smearing? whether it was the troops or bush - he was smearing.
  14. I thought the left drove Subarus... hybrids are the new subaru
  15. the best snow anchors for tents are the ones having the most fun!
  16. agreed, but at some point you have to trust your gear and maintain said gear so you can trust it. just as many will trust a rope to not be redundant (at least while rapping)...why not keep you harness up to date so you can trust the belay loop.
  17. the belay loop...or most any other material for that matter, only cares about a peak load. not so much about residuals. typically, a residual load can be less damaging than cyclical loading, even if those cycles are a lower magnitude. also, the belay loop of a harness is nothing more than a beefed mini-sling. are you concerned about slings you use as anchors in top-ropes or hanging belays?
  18. why would they be safer as belay loops as opposed to 'rap' loops?
  19. girth-hitching a tree or feature doesn't put the same radius on the sling as girthhitching another sling. just like the piano-wire analogy. knives are sharp because the radius approaches zero.
  20. as usual...sounds like a summation of factors.
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