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Everything posted by underworld

  1. it's the only thing they can focus on
  2. They're spending their time rotting their brains when they could be discussing world news with their parents, doing their HW, etc. And attention spans have gone to hell in the past ten years. Having just finished grading midterms, they could also use a little work on their arithmetic and algebra, too. ...blaming the victim
  3. because those that know geography, like to make themselve look good by pointing out that you don't know geography.
  4. - got lost on the way to the tooth. took about 45 minutes to get 10 minutes from the car - traversed the gendarm on bug. spire about 6 feet too high. no hands traverse on a tiny edge for the feet. did a blind flying squirrel jump to not have to backtrack. landed by hugging a small boulder and spinning my feet like wiley coyote to gain purchase.
  5. easy is relative. beta might make the route feel easier, but it still hasn't changed. rockfall, polishing, crevasses... that all CHANGES the route and might change it's difficulty.
  6. beta doesn't change the route... it changes your approach to the route. it doesn't become easier, we're just 'smarter'
  7. aliens deserve fair swages...
  8. but i'm not using any gas sitting here. i'm doing something by not doing anything.
  9. underworld


    dibs on the squamish and the selected climbs in cascades... check pm's thx
  10. no time to read this whole thread so this might have been already suggested - but can't chuck norris do something about this?
  11. that's not stereotyping... it's logic
  12. not if you're an emunclaw rancher! oh wait - is beastiality considered out of bounds in land? depends if you respect the animal's feelings and are in it for the right reasons. animals aren't just pieces of meat.
  13. thought there was a new forum for this stuff... cafe sesi-limp-wristed-gremlin-tivioso
  14. how about this: allow employers to ask questions. seems that they have their hands tied and must walk on eggshells when it comes to someones legal status. [granted, there are those that WANT illegals...but maybe wouldn't if there were actual consequences]. if someone's looking for work and that hard up, should they really be offended by this? especially if they are as proud of their heritage as they should be. simplified example: "you look mexican" "yes i do, but i'm legal" "welcome aboard" so yes, most of our grandparents were immigrants here. but when they got here, they worked their asses off to learn english and make sure they could survive in a foreign land. they weren't here looking for handouts or demanding that cops speak their native language or that schools cater to them. toughen up! certainly worked for them, we (the grandkids) all have the spare time [read: money] to be spraying all day and buying climbing gear
  15. underworld

    Poor kitty!

    can we get a location on that, i'd like to go by and put some flowers by the road. anyone that would like to join tonight, i'll be holding a candle light vigil.
  16. try a little game called 'just the tip'
  17. the other day i asked for a cappuccino, they asked if i wanted a regular cappuccino or a dry latte. ...but i wanted a wet cappucino.
  18. square toe shoes or rounded toes??
  19. Although your statement is well intentioned (I believe), it is not true. Africans did not immigrate here; they were brought against their will and forced into slavery. In the process of coming through the "Middle Passage" MILLIONS died of disease, dysentery, starvation, or were simply thrown off the ship into the Atlantic. I would hardly call this immigration; sounds more like genocide to me. But that's "water under the bridge," right? life sucked for them, granted.... and sure they didn't chose that path - but their grandkids have a better life because of it.
  20. please provide some numbers to prove this... i'm pretty sure i haven't said anything derogatory about any race here. just because i brought up the topic of illegals w/o completely showing support for their cause - automatically gets the response of me being a racist. different opinion = wrong opinion not sure if you agree w/ me on this...you used too many big words - but it sounds horrible to want to keep letting them in illegally because they do the dirty work. if we keep a second class citizen here then we'll always have someone to mow our lawn and clean our toilettes. seems like some might have that attitude on both sides.
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