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Everything posted by underworld

  1. w/o getting into the argument of who's fault it is... it is still fair to question past (at least recent past) presidents that certainly had a hand in shaping the current president's situation. focusing ONLY on bush is just as much of a distraction if clinton also has some fault. question both sides, man
  2. you guys need a news article to tell you that teen age dudes have bad judgement?? scars and debt should be enough of an indicator btw - sad story...it sux that crap like that happens
  3. card's been on me the whole time. at least if i left it in the brothel i might've gotten something for my money. no idea how they make/use the fake card.
  4. global warming should be blamed on canadians using stolen ATM info
  5. just found out some fqer in canadia got over $1k off me using a fake atm card. OVERNIGHT! withdraws from gas stations, pharmacies and a $62 trip to KFC. at least they'll die of a heart attack at an early age. WTF!
  6. chestbeat disguised as charity btw - good pics
  7. NICE! spelll rong win macing fum uf busch
  8. the best tools for the upcoming season will be the ones having the most fun...
  9. - saw jack ass number two - rode bike - shopped - friend's birthday party - flag football (we won) - rode motorcycle - watched the simpsons
  10. wait.. i thought this was good - means people are having less kids which helps this whole 'overpopulation' thing, right?
  11. if it's holding weight, then it's not a back up - it's part of the anchor.
  12. the other day at VW, some dude was complaining to his buddy about the gri-gris and how they are anchored to the ground instead of to the belayer. he was crying about how it isn't realistic to 'real' climbing. my first thought was that the gym isn't there to simulate real belaying or to teach noobs how to use a gri gri. the gym is for pulling on plastic and working moves/gaining strength. my second thought, as he was pointing out to his bud that some routes are all the same color holds while others are the same color tape... yet he had no problem w/ that being 'not realistic to the outdoors' the gym and their respective belay devices are what they are. you can't go AND complain. that's like complaining about your gas bill and driving an SUV... or just driving at all. 'climbing' in a gym is like 'hiking' on a treadmill. it's got it's roll, you should expect nothing more or less.
  13. just got the new mgear catalog and inside the front cover they have 'new' metolius offset TCU's... but they aren't in the body of the catalog and not on metolius' website.... WTF? anyone heard of, or seen these?
  14. renton REI had the whole set last time i was there. ...a couple of weeks ago.
  15. think of springs... in a series (if they are the same type), then it will be no different in impact force. just more extension capability. if they are in parallel they will add up. fyi springs in a series: keq= (1/ka + 1/kb)^-1 parallel: keq = ka + kb
  16. ipod + radioshack battery powered speakers + mesh bag+ biner = ghetto blaster!!!! totally climbing related
  17. what's the general cunsensus on using a screamer that is semi deployed? seems like it could still be good if only a few of the threads actually ripped. they are cheap, i know, just wondering and starting discussion. one shows a few ripped threads cuz it was used at a re-direct and weighted during jugging. the other was fallen on 1st piece after the belay. a few threads ripped. any thoughts?
  18. underworld

    laptop advice

    laptops often show up here for pretty cheap: link i think it's like pricegrapper...
  19. The idea of not being able to trust anyone? Throw away your cell phone. If I drive around with dead head stickers on my car, i'm gonna get pulled over. I know if I do certain things i'm leaving myself open. If I climb above my gear I am going to whip if I fall. If the goverment made me climb above my gear it would be a violation. We all make choices, but knowing the rules is helpfull. Just ask G.I. JOE and cobra commander. BUY A GUNS AND AMMO ( not the magazine ) they might be usefull someday. you forgot: if you go to vw, you are going to use a gri gri
  20. Rationale? because it makes sense to judge a candidate based on gender alone.
  21. you guys have all let Chaps get to you.... gri-gri or atc... who the fq cares. do you go to the gym to belay? no - we all go there for the sports bras!
  22. you're not being told what to do.... if you use a gri-gri at vw - it's because you CHOOSE to go there.
  23. sounds like another one of these... scroll to the bottom
  24. i've heard the offwidth on prussik called the "bar fight pitch"
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