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Everything posted by underworld

  1. girth hitching slings together is a whole different load scenario than knots. girth hitching a sling to a biner or an anchor is also different than g/h'ing slings together. again...you can't just use the 30% as a blanket. you gotta look at what's going on w/ the details. look at an extreme example: would you girthhitch a runner and a loop of piano wire together? well...when you start doing this with skinnier and skinnier slings you trend towards that scenario. it's no longer an axial strength issue.
  2. You have a good point. Manufacturers have not done enough to explain the proper use of these slings. It should not be surprising to anyone that when you go "high tech" that there will be more limitations on how the equipment can be used than the low tech alternative. it's also common knowledge the knots in runners weakens them...as does girthhitching. it's up to the user as well to not only know this, but maybe also know WHY. sure the manufacturer puts the 22kn rating on it, but that is their tensile strength. only one ideal scenario. once the user realizes why girth hitching slings together weakens them, they might not girth hitch dyneema ones. they are skinny so the girthhitching will put even a more exagerated point load on the edges. i don't think it is the manufacturer's responsibility to make sure the user thinks of all this. it's like saying that it is common practice for rope run over a rock. then asking: "why did this really sharp rock cut my rope?" i guess i'm more of an advocate of know WHY something works rather than just remembering THAT something works. leave the burden on the user and the user will become smarter.
  3. underworld

    Jury duty

    show up wearing a sheet
  4. you could be in the office without the hope of unemployment looming
  5. infinite bliss repair kit
  6. the factor 2 on the clove hitch you talk about - do you think that it was actually a good thing? since they slip, this could be a 'screamer' affect and might have helped mitigate some of hte loading on the anchor?? just a thought.
  7. 20 minutes to untie a clove hitch?
  8. well, i think it's a bad idea to finance cars too.... not to say i haven't done it before. paying interest on something that depreciates is double bad. ... and 6 years is just a long time to be paying on, what is typically, a toy. IMO
  9. quit work... then won't have to commute and can't afford to do anything but walk
  10. i hope so... well, if you finance the bike, i'm sure you've got to insure it - since it is the bank's bike at that point. which reminds me... i saw an ad for 72 month financing on motorcycles sounds like a great idea
  11. that strong coffee i just drank
  12. i've got a couple of 650cc bikes. sv650 and a klr. for some reason they are is considered a beginner bike - but i disagree. annnyway - milage is upper 40's to 50. insurance is like 30 or so a month. (i only insure one of them) unfortunately, at least my, insurance doesn't count them towards a multi-line discount sure, smaller 250's and such will keep highway speeds but there is deminishing returns with safety. sometimes you need to get out of the way w/ the throttle.
  13. You're right. Mr. El Masri probably just went on a gambling binge for four months, then beat himself up repeatedly and dropped himself off on a mountain road at night in Albania to cover the whole thing up from his overbearing wife. Are morons like you born, or do you have to work at it? well...he was in prison. i guess there is no chance that he was beaten up by others there and made it up that the US guys did it. nooooooo...we don't give the benefit of the doubt to the U.S. of course not. again, neither one of us were there - both speculating. but i'm the idiot. that's cool. he was the leader of a radical group in lebanon - maybe he's got some alterior motives? but, i'm speculating... so lets again talk facts. he was released when the U.S. realized they messed up. so that is two facts agains your arguments. 1)the U.S. throws away the key on these people 2)the U.S. doesn't admit its mistakes. so your newest point is it's own counterpoint
  14. i thought they threw away the key after plucking folks off the street? why'd they release this guy? so the cia admitted to the mistaken identity of this dude... they haven't admitted to torture. remember your 'inocent till proven guilty' mantra earlier. that applies to people YOU don't like too.
  15. don't question the rest of the story. if something is bad, that's it... it's that simple. there is no other side!
  16. i pretty much agree with this. that is, that it is allll speculation. what you've said can be just as easily turned around. "who's to say that if kerry was in office, things would be any better" it's ALLLLLL what-if's the what-if's make for good fun conversation but it's gotta all be kept in perspective and not believe that the speculation is fact.
  17. In other words you can't answer the question. You need to research it? You could have typed up a list in the time it took you to type out that avoid-the-issue paragraph. Stunning silence. you asked for something i liked... i answered "he's shown leadership". how is that not answering. kudos to chuck for recognizing it. geeez!! if you need another - i like that he's nominamted pro-lifers for the supreme court.
  18. Thanks, yes you did respond in reasoned manner. I was waiting for underworld in particular. sorry dude.. busy at work only skimmed thru the stuff right now. but one thing i've liked that is a more broad answer and i think we've covered before is that he's shown leadership. he had a swift and sturn response to 9-11. putting aside whether it was the right decisions, truly it is too early to tell and i'm not claiming i like or dislike them. but he did reasonable things as a response with the approval and support of both parties. he didn't waffle around. again, we've beat to death the question of if his actions were the correct ones - but at the time it appeared they were. these are signs of a good leader. find out what everyone wants and then act accordingly. in 5 or 10 years from now we can spray whether he fqed the world. i don't know yet. i don't have that kind of scope right now to know. (for the record i am not a w worshiper. this discussion, as far as i'm concerned is not about bush but ideals and opinions. i don't think i've said anything in either direction whether i think he's a good president or not)
  19. oh yeah... and the name calling - i'm far from taking it personally. i just wanted to point out the obvious difference in tactics. don't worry, you won't hurt my feeling.
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