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Everything posted by underworld

  1. underworld

    Good Reads?

    isn't alaska the state of denali?
  2. crux - read more than headlines cbs - we dont' bring up the past, remember, someone got scolded for that earlier. it's too hard to blame bush for that stuff anyway.
  3. anyway.. back on topic... just want direction to find the specific wording that is pissing you guys off.
  4. that was already covered in the bill clinton thread....geeeez
  5. dude...that's what i wanted to find in the bill. i didn't see it in my skimming and i'm interested in how that is detailed out. the habeas corpus is one issue. the point and whisper is another. i'm just tired of hearing the point and whisper argument and if sneakysex's quote is the root of it, then you guys are blowing it out of proportion. i'm willing to read and disagree with the bill if the habeas corpus bit is as cut and dry as you say it is.
  6. ummmm.. the same things that stop the police from classifying you as a murderer or any other common criminal. similar to common police similar to common evidence and/or probable cause
  7. on a similar note... we need to understand the s haven't we learned that violence breeds violence
  8. what chapter and verse is it that says i can point and you go to jail. i don't have the time to read 80-something pages right now.
  9. full circle.... fulllllll circle.
  10. well, stop believing all polls you read. people's actions speak louder. they do nothing because they don't feel strong enough about it. easy to sound tuff and strong to a pollster but don't have it in them to take action. so, in other words, the real poll of actions tells the real story of people's attitudes.
  11. yeah.. real nice guy. and the someone just had to point to him for his arrest? padilla my point in linking health care to this case is that it has been 'imagined' that someone that doesn't like you can point and you go to jail for the rest of your life. why is it not fair to 'imagine' someone pointing and dictating my health care, or lack of it. it's just as abstract. it's just as paranoid to think that cloning and stem cell stuff would lead to an ideal race and that i'd be denied healthcare by those in charge because i'm not the ideal race. we can get real creative here.
  12. ah, the imagination of the left. if they disagree with me they must drive a hummer and drink 'bucks coffee. but we don't judge people.
  13. it's a fqing interweb message board. who the fq cares if you get moderated or banned or anything else. big deal! it's not like they are using your atm info in canada
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