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Everything posted by underworld

  1. the ying and the yang
  2. is it still legal to bring along a rope gun?
  3. the action figures always have link cams... WTF?
  4. fqin fires...man the smell never gets out of goretex!
  5. and they don't have to pretend that you aren't going to burn!!!!
  6. built-in load limiters!!
  7. i was at home depot earlier... it's harder than you think to find quarter inch wing nuts there.
  8. probably made in a sweat shop too... so to speak...
  9. come to think of it, a buddy bootied an alien w/ a broken trigger. he sent it to cch and got it back in no time. $10.
  10. i fixed a busted alien trigger wire using fishing line. it took me an evening, a lot of cursing and several tries. but it works.
  11. what does the modification do? i see what it is, but can't figure out its purpose...
  12. i've used the wren soloist and also clove hitches... for a couple pitches each. while the soloist is less hastle it is bulkier than the clove hitches. so i imagine that would be the big complaint of the silent partner.
  13. bump. any long termers have feedback on the tardmasters? i picked up some scarpa thunders at rei used them for a day at redrocks and have gym climbed in them a few times. seem like good crack climbers but maybe i'm just not used to that sort of shoe for face climbing, as their stiffness feels like i'm climbing in blocks of wood. well, since they are an rei purchase i feel like i'm still just 'trying them out' how 'bout the 5.10 gammits? anyone?
  14. did anyone actually get one for 2.83?? gone when i looked
  15. keep it simple! too many of the big brands (gregory, TNF, deadbird, osprey) are making complex+bulky+heavy packs seems like the little guys are the ones making the good simple utilitarian climbing packs. what is it: perfection in design isn't when there is nothing left to add...it is when there is nothing left to take away. or something like that. good luck.
  16. is this ethical?
  17. why speculate... there's a section on how to use chalk
  18. underworld

    I hit it

    he's hit'n it
  19. underworld

    I hit it

  20. underworld


    cuz artists aren't very smart???
  21. ...just playin the part
  22. use judgement and be tastefull...the picture and it's posting were tastefull IMO...the 1st reply to it WAS NOT tastefll remember, ask nicely first if the picture taking is bothersom. i've taken pictures of other climbers and asked if they minded and i've also had my picture taken by other and told them i didn't mind. no big deal. as i'm sure neither resulted in a "i'll fertilize the eggs" response.
  23. isn't that exactly what the dude did? geez! and wasn't he blasted for being confrontational instead of 'simply asking' full circle, you guys just need mutual stroking, eh. i imagine if the girlfriend would have signed up for an account just to ask for picture removal, she'd have been blasted for one reason or another. he didn't just ask though he was an ass about it. if he had just asked Trashy prolly would of just taken it down and put up something different from the weekend. you know i doubt she would have been blasted becuase i doubt it would have been made public. if she would have posted and said "Hey my name is sally and that photo you posted is of me. I really am not comfortable with my pic being on cc.com, would you please take it down?" all would have been well. ok, so he DID have a backbone... again.. full circle
  24. isn't that exactly what the dude did? geez! and wasn't he blasted for being confrontational instead of 'simply asking' full circle, you guys just need mutual stroking, eh. i imagine if the girlfriend would have signed up for an account just to ask for picture removal, she'd have been blasted for one reason or another.
  25. underworld


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