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Everything posted by underworld

  1. why is if fucked? we aren't supposed to teach abstinance...but when someone get's prego...it's fucked...
  2. has there been a ruling yet in this thread regarding prayer flags on everest and if the ARE or AREN't shoving religion in our faces?
  3. i think the common element is actually the cc.com part that always goes to horse sex
  4. aid climbing - stuff like that happens all the time. typically on the transition from aid to free, the last step of you aider gets caught on your last piece of gear and either pulls it (run out) or you have some dicey downclimbing to fix it.
  5. its a give and take
  6. there were about 3000 or so killed by a few dudes in new york a couple years back. all muslims suck, right?
  7. Bullshit. If you post anything in Spray, you get raped with a chain saw. Except Bong Hits for Jesus. That's just two great things that go great together. There are several fundamentally hypocritical aspects of the cult of Christianity which should be mentioned here: 1) Only Christians are saved; the rest of us are fucked. No matter how 'nice' a Christian is, that's the way they look at the rest of us. "Join us or burn, baby". There may be Christian sects that do not believe this...anyone know of any? 2) Their's is the one true god. Worship anything else, or nothing, and well, see 1) 3) It is for reason #1 that christians seek to legally impose their religion and values on the rest of us. Anyone who doesn't believe this hasn't been awake since the Reagan years (and prior, of course). Not all christian sects are politically involved, but enough are to provide cause for great worry. I take individual as they come, but I'm one 'pre-christian' (a cute little term I pulled off a website for a church up in Everett for those of us who have gotten out of or bought into the cult) tend to find any supremicist group that considers itself 'chosen' unattractive. JH doesn't seem full of hate to me, just truth. you know NOTHING about true christianity.... i can't speak for other christian faiths, but i know that catholics don't think they are the only ones getting saved.
  8. if he's not trying to convert - then who cares if it is about religion? what is the huge taboo w/ religion. open your minds! at least it is in the name of a higher power and not a politician.
  9. same reason there was 'climbersforkerry' or any other bumper sticker. everyone's a bilboard
  10. disabled, retarted and responsible... oh wait... i wouldn't be cuz i would have a light... cuz, i'm not and idiot. i wear several flashers when riding at night, btw.
  11. "If you don't care why are you posting" govt regulation of everything! (except climbing)
  12. "Is there a problem with that? " yes, around these parts. ...unfortunately.... if you would be up there PREACHING about the glaciers melting, you'd probably get support. preaching about how america is the devil...again, support. but offer help and mention that you are christian - well, you've seen what happens this place is a joke!
  13. When have you watched a car almost hit a climber because they didn't have a rope? do they have to be climbing? cuz i almost got hit downtown the other day crossing the road...
  14. you get injuered climbing...search & rescue is put at risk. dependants at risk. climbers below you at risk...etc... bike w/o lights would just get run over and maybe dent a fender, eh? (btw - i don't care either way about either scenario...)
  15. it's common knowledge that it is ok to be prejudice...as long as it is against christians. all this thread is: a (1): preconceived judgment or opinion (2): an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge b: an instance of such judgment or opinion c: an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics
  16. climbers without ropes...get a clue...it's common sense blah blah blah... (same thing, right?)
  17. the better december cragging destination is the one having more fun
  18. there's some irony in your location... fyi
  19. i heard a snippit of a story the other day about a guy that started with a paperclip and kept trading up till he got a house. i haven't bothered googling it yet. i don't want to ruin it by finding out it can't be done.
  20. this might be the thread to change some opinions!!!
  21. the funniest movie is the one having the most best
  22. where're all the white women at
  23. "why don't you take a bite of your burger and we'll yell ya"
  24. layer up.... glacier killer!
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