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Everything posted by underworld

  1. underworld


    you seem to care enough to tell everyone home little you care. "(if it's a fair election)" preemptive victim excuse
  2. system of a down (maybe a little bit pop...but good) kataklysm (can you say double bass!!!) Carnivore (just heard some of this recently...) Downset (not exactly heavy metal...but it's bitchin, and hard!) Coal Chamber (big truck)
  3. why does climbing gear sell for so much on ebay? the oldest, crappiest hardware goes for near retail? sticker collections for $30? WTF??? rock shoes are occasionally a screamin deal - but that seems to be it.
  4. when flying to a climbing destination - as you de-board the plane take the pillow with you. it is a small and light bivy pillow.
  5. heavy metal trance U/G hip hop i'm a uniter!!
  6. more flexible, trigger isn't as stiff, cheaper and.... rangefinder so you know it's bomber
  7. the best selling musical artists are the ones having teh most fun
  8. chill d00d....i didn't intend my post to be an alien bashing. no way i'm getting rid of my aliens.... love em.. just though the mets looked and felt sweet. it's like an old pickup truck that you love. go drive a bmw and it'll make you drool...but you keep the pickup truck
  9. the shop here in salt lake has a run of thest babies! they look pretty awesome and feel great. i got home and looked at my aliens and it is taking everything i've got to not got back and get the metoliusesees. one thing i liked was that the trigger wires were not wires at all.. but string-like. it allowed the lobes to rebound more easily independent of each other. aliens, if you hold two lobe closed w/ your fingers, the others don't open very much. (read: met's could be more solid in an offset-like placement)
  10. glacier travel top roping carrying (just in case) ...this all spells out a lighter rope than 10.2. it'll be a rope that isn't taking lead falls and isn't being abused (by the sounds of it) get a 9mil half rope (50 meter)
  11. 1st rule of climbing- don't talk about climbing
  12. underworld

    Gas prices

  13. wobblers?
  14. i thought this whole bolting vs not bolting controversy was settled in the last bolting vs not bolting online argument... dammit.. maybe it'll get settled in this one. once and for all!!!!!11
  15. and sticky shoes and costco quantities of chalk and hemp bienies and...
  16. underworld


    depends on how much fun they are having
  17. underworld


    they aren't good, they are just well rehearsed
  18. does it have a solid front axle? auto locking hubs? ideas: cv-joint, u-joint, hub-locking mechanism
  19. you can check out the basic climbing classes offered by the either the mountaineers or beoalps. works for lots of people either new to the mountains or just new to the area.
  20. Trip: Utah - the green grass side of the fence Date: 3/1/2008 Trip Report: it's been a slow transition into SLC...but this weekend was bitchin!! saturday: indian creek 1-dayer, long drive. i had a buddy coming into town saturday night so we had to be back to get to the airport in time. so only time for 2 quick routes. twin cracks and this one - no name crack on supercrack buttress Sunday: Alta w/ 15" of fresheeeez! 3rd in line for the lift and a full day of pow! Gear Notes: lots of #3's fatty ski's Approach Notes: long drive for indian creek short drive to alta
  21. i'm assuming the use of squeazable jelly... this way you dont get jelly in the peanut butter jar (using one knife).
  22. executive summary please.
  23. spread the peanut butter before spreading the jelly
  24. underworld


    ministry james taylor juno reactor notorious BIG beck
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