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Everything posted by underworld

  1. underworld

    climber jokes

    Ya, there's some name for that medical condition where too much masturbation leads to loss of sensitivity. cc.comsprayatosis
  2. bump
  3. maybe he actually thinks the left is mock-worthy?
  4. link
  5. I belive it has something to do with being not only all powerfull but also all knowing. (I can't find the right spelling for this word) If you are short in any of these areas then your judgement can be off. i'm thinkin gods judgement might be a little off if he created us. in other words... those that are different are wrong
  6. - junno reactor - astral projection - ... add to the list. ..anyone?
  7. oh yeah... btw - eat and "the egg and I" that place kicked ass!!!!
  8. i don't have kids... but with some imagination, i can see the analogy between this and a daughter going on a date.
  9. right.. it isn't taking away their choice. that is why i refered to it as easy access. it certainly seems that the left likes their kids to have easy access to all options w/o regard for danger or immorality. ...how bout free condoms in schools?? as an example. i'm not sure i agree w/ the returned middle finger from the feds... but i think the pinkers pulled the first dick move.
  10. mischaracterization??? how so.
  11. i see you're 1000 steps ahead of us all in thinking this through. wonderful talking point there... kudos!
  12. shouldn't the free thinking left welcome the recruiters into their neighborhoods? give their kids all the options in the world. let the kids think for themselves and have easy access to all options? whether they are options the parents 'agree' with or not?
  13. Trip: Black Rocks, sunny side. St George UT - many Date: 2/2/2008 Trip Report: fyi... there is good cragging in southwest utah in the winter. 10-15 degrees warmer and than anywhere else in the state. couple hour drive south of salt lake is st george. we went to the outdoor outlet in the downtown to get some beta for what would be sunny. black rocks is a few miles out of town and a 1.3 minute approach. sold. pretty much the whole sunny side wall is 5.9 to 5.10 short sport routes. you can start at one end and just work your way to the other. small edges and cool pockets. weather was going to be bad on sunday but we drove around a little more to check out some of the other areas. looks like prophecy wall would be an awesome area. again, 2 minute approach for 2-3 pitch sport climbs in the .10's. looking forward to going back. it is all pretty recently developed climbing areas and is a shorter drive than to vegas. Gear Notes: depeds on where you go. if you go to black rocks, you only need a handfull of quickdraws Approach Notes: SHORT!!!
  14. easy fix - 1) take it to rei 2) trade 3) sleep
  15. why take away the decision making of the sons? aren't they old enough to know enough to make the decision for themselves?
  16. underworld


    doh... looks like 111 took the picture off the original post. not so proud any more, eh ah yes, the true meaning of love. doing something knowing and willingly that you know your loved one would be pissed about. and this is a little more than leavig the toilet seat up. can't tell from that angle.
  17. doubles are cool on harder (relative) cragging routes. as you don't lengthen your fall (typically) during the clipping process.
  18. underworld


    why does it hurt when i pee? .... loosen your grip :pagetop:'ly trasmitted disease
  19. underworld


    this whole thread started with ego. btw,
  20. yes, primitive... compared to the highly evolved and refined art of cc.com spraying.
  21. like a fine wine
  22. the best time of day to leave Seattle for Portland on Friday is the time having the most fun
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