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Everything posted by underworld

  1. "Big gulps....wulp, see ya later"
  2. the similarity is striking tho.... go - and there are consequences don't go - and there are consequences it's up to the worker to weigh the consequenses and the risk/benefits of each. give them the credit to make that decision and don't try and think for them.
  3. "Should they have to go" they don't have to go... should i have to pay my morgage? no, i don't have to - but if i choose not to, i'll forfeit the benefit of living at my house.
  4. bump to add 'OBO' to price and to change mileage to 12.5k geez 500 miles already. buy my car to reduce my carbon footprint
  5. owe asaresultof climbing
  6. this guy must never of heard of people before him that got liberal arts degrees... how does the saying go? those that don't know history are bound to repeat it... or something like that. ironical..
  7. photoshopped!!!
  8. fake, but accurate... duh!
  9. 2.5i sedan. 5spd. 12k miles. roof rack... i quit my job, so buy my car $16500
  10. from the one on the right... "can you take it again, i blinked"
  11. how about going the other way and saying... damn those guys suck for making something that sucks. getting the word out and letting (uh oh...i 'm about to say it) the market fix it. word of mouth is wayyyy more successffull than getting the govt involved for instance - people are pissed about dependance on oil. ok, not the best example since people are bitching that the govt should regulate it more...well they aren't regulating it as much as SOME would like. however, look at what all the car manufacturers are making and marketing.... HIGH MPG CARS! the market is fixing itself
  12. "here's your ticket to the GUNSHOW!!!"
  13. You obviously haven't bothered to see the movie, nor has KKK et al, probably. "I wouldn't give that assclown one thin dime (but I'll argue against points I never actually saw firsthand till I'm blue in the face)!". Essentially, Gore presents the raw data. You decide whether or not you believe it. correction... gore presents SOME raw data i don't have to see the movie to realize that. text books, scientists, experts....each only present some data (of their choosing)
  14. you could have done your part by not buying a computer.... speaking of computers, simply powering down when not in use saves electricity and reduces your carbon footprint. how many folks out there do you think leave their computers on continuously? I would think every big company out there leaves them on, updates usually run at night and computer has to be on. we already know that big companies are evil.
  15. Not quite. Some acts might have more impact, and some less. It's a matter of looking at the impact in the aggregate. And cutting back, might not mean cutting out completely. For example, I might climb at Snoqualmie Pass more and Washington Pass less. I might buy replacement gear less often, rather than not at all, and buy used more often or rent/borrow more (although the latter might involve driving to pick up and drop off...). my point is that if EVERY bit counts... then exactly that. EVERY BIT. climbing at snoqualmie has impact...you can take that impact away by not going. unless it isn't that much of a dire situation. global warming, that is. it's not all or nothing i agree.... the alarmist seem to think it is tho. IMO.
  16. i'd just like to hear one global warming alamist admit that there is a POSSIBILITY that gore et al could be distorting things as well. it doesn't mean you have to throw out what they are saying. but give a little constructive skeptism to what we hear. i'm not what you'd call an alarmist (duh) and i admit that those that deny the global warming can and do distort things (too)...
  17. Not quite. Some acts might have more impact, and some less. It's a matter of looking at the impact in the aggregate. And cutting back, might not mean cutting out completely. For example, I might climb at Snoqualmie Pass more and Washington Pass less. I might buy replacement gear less often, rather than not at all, and buy used more often or rent/borrow more (although the latter might involve driving to pick up and drop off...). my point is that if EVERY bit counts... then exactly that. EVERY BIT. climbing at snoqualmie has impact...you can take that impact away by not going. unless it isn't that much of a dire situation. global warming, that is.
  18. democrats, dipshits, dumbasses
  19. the leader of the movement (gore) is not leading by example. if it is the biggest issue we have to face and worthy of preventing great world wars that the nobel people have claimed. then gore would be doing more. so he buys carbon offsets. brings his contribution to zero. imagine the contribution he could be making if he bought offsets AND lived a more humble lifestyle? if every little bit counts, it should count for gore also it should also count for all the climbers too (as just another example) you make yourselves feel better by admitting that you are guilty and that you try to do these other things to make a difference. yet it is still more important to drive 3+ hours to go climb...while you buy backpacks, gear, food etc etc etc...all that gear has plenty of impact in its manufacturing, shipping, waste etc. if EVERY bit counted... the tree hugger climbers would be doing all the little things - and also sacrificing all the little things.
  20. impossible!!!! bush would have never let cheney be veep if he knew that... he hates black people! wait - i heard that obama isn't very black anyway.
  21. Exactly. I wish you conservative PUNKS would get out of the mindset that everything is black and white. There is no such thing as an absolute, just gray matter. get the libbies to say that about: - "bush lied" - global warming
  22. great.... have the taxpayer fix your mistake of moving in next to a golf course. if the net doesn't fix it, you going to as the city to help you move too?
  23. underworld


    ....supports war for oil! OMG! linky but the clincher: in other words: we'll have better luck negotiating with them if we first label them as bad guys. KOOOKOOO!!!
  24. and that was not a credible rebutle either... you should know that
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