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Everything posted by Camilo

  1. Camilo

    Japanese HC

    My friend just sent me this picture from a grocery store in Tokyo. It's a meat popsicle made of fish.
  2. Camilo


    I've looked up the necessary zip codes to contact Mr. Regula. Zip 44691 will allow you to write him from here. If you didn't write anyone to fight this in the first place, don't worry. Bring on the hate mail! Write your own congressman while you're at it.
  3. Another vote for Serre Chevalier. I was there last Christmas of last year and it was amazing. It was $30 a day for a three day pass with those exchange rates, might be a little more. Huge ski area and linked to 4 or 5 towns I think. They even have a big concrete monolith at one town to make an ice climbing wall (weather was too warm when we were there). Lots of little restaurants and bars, and the towns are easy to walk to or a short drive from one another.
  4. I'm sick to my stomach.
  5. If it's not going to be EXTREME, I'm not interested.
  6. That's me. Can't you see the metrosexuality oozing from my pictures? Gaper Jeffy, why the hell are YOU looking at MY ad?!? It says M4W. Either make your own ad or go look at M4M.
  7. I've only smelled mine, and that's how I wanted things. This man took something from me last night, and I'll never be the same.
  8. Just so you all know, I was at the gym last night and almost didn't notice the four shiny new machines at the gym. They're right next to the weight bench and consist of 2 treadmills, an elliptical runner thing, and a stair stepper. All Precor brand. They look fancy.
  9. Can we all make sarcastic thanks today? I would like to thank the guy at the rock gym last night whose sweaty balls I could smell from 10 feet away. You almost made me puke. Please wear absorbent underwear or a maxi pad or something. Farts and BO are infinitely better than smelling someone's sweaty nuts.
  10. Fairweather, it's not just liberals who over regulate. If you haven't been paying attention, conservatives are spending an awful lot of time regulating what people can see on TV or hear on the radio. They're both to blame. Point is, the people making these rules have forgotten where they came from. They got to have all the fun while they were kids, and now they made rules that limit the same things. Parents won't get a trampoline for their kids in the backyard because other kids can hurt themselves and then the inevitable lawsuit - from parents who did the same thing when they were young. It seems like somewhere along the line people did forget about the bumps, breaks, and scrapes they got as kids and became overprotective. Maybe I just don't understand because I don't have kids. Sorry for replying to an "old-timer's only" thread.
  11. Thanks for the info. Still deciding whether or not to spend the money. . .
  12. I'm thinking about getting some fat skis and am wondering if my Scarpa Lasers will be too low to use for this. Has anybody used Lasers with a fat ski like a Salomon Pocket Rocket? I figure they'll be fine in deep stuff but how about crud?
  13. Honda's coming out with a big ugly pickup, Avalanche style. Gross.
  14. That sucks big time. Good job on clearing them up. Bummer about the assholes though.
  15. Whatever. You know you love the beef. Anyways, what the hell were you saying on Ascensionist about some guys with shopping carts and wires? Were they fishing with it?
  16. I was kidding. Suck the lint out of my foreskin, whore!
  17. You bunch of nancies! What the hell do we need wild salmon for? We've got fish farms now that can supply us with tasty salmon year round .
  18. I didn't know I had an agenda . I agree that abstinence should be a part of sex ed, because it really is the safest thing. I think that doing this without serious discussion about birth control and disease prevention is about as irresponsible as you can get. Teaching abstinence with little mention of prevention is not teaching, it's more like preaching to me. Sorry, but I don't feel like looking for any studies on that. Maybe tomorrow. I'm tired.
  19. I want to hear what everyone's thoughts are comparing the "danger" of teaching creationism as a parallel topic to evoloution and abstinence-only sex ed. I think the latter is much dangerous. Take Texas: Top 5 in the U.S. in teen pregnancies and they're only approving textbooks that at most make a passing reference to safe sex. Those folks don't have to ever worry about committing the sin of sodomy because they've got their heads so far up their asses nothing else can ever get in.
  20. Thread drift. . . somebody put in a last word and then let's get back to those crazy Creationists!
  21. Touche. Let's look at Ford today though. After years of saying that emissions restrictions are not possible and that the technology would be too expensive and difficult to develop, they're coming out with a hybrid. A TOYOTA hybrid. That's an embarrassment. The Asian companies have been chuggin away for decades staying ahead of emissions standards instead of fighting them. That's why you see so few Fords in Europe or Asia where gas is expensive.
  22. Doesn't it screw Americans over just as much to make inefficient automobiles that make us more dependent on foreign oil, causing us to meddle in middle eastern affairs and stir up enough hatred to cause some asshole to fly planes into our buildings? It's a stretch, but so is equating buying a foreign car to not caring about Americans.
  23. This is pathetic. Thanks to Squid for making the last few posts funny. Tip: If you want your question answered, ask it again and again instead of referring to it and accusing the other guy about not answering yours. Would you like a muffin for your circle jerk?
  24. Took me a while to figure out what was going on there. This should be a "what's wrong with this picture?"
  25. Camilo


    From the liberal media (CNN): Wow. There are pessimistic liberals in Iraq too?
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