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Everything posted by Double_E

  1. Double_E

    Team America

    i am stoked to see this movie tho.. Matt and Trey do know comedy. some of the best comedy-artists of the 20th century.
  2. Double_E

    Team America

    So, tell us, FW.. what's you're favorite anatomical instrument, anyway? ... the dick, the pussy, or the asshole?
  3. bump. OK, maybe I'll cease with the vagueness and just make a pricelist... XL farmer john wetsuit -- $50 XL Kokatat dry top -- $40 djembe drum -- $60 NEW SHIT for sale: North Face 3-layer Goretex shell. yellow & black. size medium. -- $100. small Gregory biking backpack. red & gray. has pocket/space for hydration reservoir -- $10
  4. .... has been finding some work on the side.
  5. OK so in some recent PC thread someone mentioned how such-n-such bar was the first bar they ever patronized... the first hole they ever watered at, you might say. So let's hear about this from others... where was the first one you ever drank at, either legally or illegally? For me it was The Brickskeller in Washington DC. (their website sucks ass, I know... but the bar itself rocks!!) Basement/keller style bar with several hundred bottled beers from all corners of the globe. If you're a beer drinker and you ever find yerself in DC you must repeat must go check it out. As it is, DC is (or at least was) heaven for a 17-year-old who likes beer. The city had only recently changed the drinking age from 18 to 21 (mid 1980s) and at any rate, many immigrant shopkeepers in the shadier parts of town didn't have any qualms about selling to teens. So, emboldened by all these successes at buying in the store, I decided to get try to go to a bar... no fake ID, no nothin. Went to the Brickskeller on a quiet Sunday afternoon with two older friends, sat down between them at the bar and ordered a big ol' bottle of stout... mmmmm stout. I'll never forget that day or that bar.
  6. hey faster_than_dru... got a message for you: Last Sunday morning, the sunshine felt like rain. The week before, they all seemed the same. With the help of God and true friends, I've come to realize, I still have two strong legs, and even wings to fly. So I, ain't a-wastin time no more. Cause time goes by like hurricanes, and faster things. Well, Lord, Lord, Miss Sally, why all your cryin? Been around here three long days, lookin like we're dyin. Go step yourself outside, and look up at the stars above, And go on downtown, baby, find somebody to love. Meanwhile, I ain't a-wastin time no more. Cause time goes by like pouring rain, and much faster things. You don't need no gypsy to tell you why, Ya can't let one precious day to slip by. Well, look inside yourself, and if you don't see what you want, Maybe sometimes then ya don't, But, leave your mind alone and just get high. Well, by and by, way after many years have gone, And all the war freaks die off, leavin us alone. We'll raise our children, in the peaceful way we can, It's up to you and me brother, To try and try again. So, hear us now, we ain't wastin time no more. Cause time rolls by like hurricanes. Runnin after the subway train. Don't forget the pourin rain.
  7. what he said!! cracked, that has got to be the funniest fuckin picture I've ever seen! the count
  8. good lord. that shizzy makes me want to get back into climbing, yo... who is this chick? is she one of these ubiquitous CC.com-ettes I hear about who are overrunning these pub club things and turning them into 1:1 gender ration estrogen fests? looks like a spider. or a frog... looks like she's got suction cups onner hands n' feet. and that's not a bad thing.. serious. mmmm,.. spiiidergiiirl. so we had a comic book and then a movie called spiderman. so why the hellnot spidergirl goddamit? or spiderbetty? lord have mercy. hey cheers to all you chickies who gots them suction cups on your hands n' feet.. and cheers to all yall otha biiatches whoever who feel like reading my late nite keyboard drivel..
  9. I never thought I'd say this, but i kinda miss them... they make life interesting. all you liberals wussies get real boring sometimes.
  10. OK, finally figured out the problem (just a littl ditsy over here this sunday morning).. one too many Hs in start of URL. yeah so the one who looks like daddy is Jenna, and the other one is called, well, "The Other One" .. on that site at least.
  11. link ain't working, ya slimy mollusk!! yeah i dunno Scott I think the Bush Daughters are just a tad hotter.. tho I'll admit, probably just a tad less brainy (hard to say tho... haven't seen Alex Kerry speak yet). actually (ha ha) the only time I think I ever saw the Bush daughters speak was when they did at the GOP convention. kinda funny how the one which seemed a little more ditsy ...(can never remember which one's Jenna and which one's Barbara) ... anyway, the ditsier one looked a lot like her dad and the smarter-seeming one didn't seem to look like her dad much. hmmm... different fathers, perhaps?
  12. getting sick and tired of Bush's ridiculous, constant, droning blather about Kerry's WAFFLING about shit. HOW MANY POLITICIANS OUT THERE CAN HONESTLY, TRULY SAY THEY DON'T DO THE SAME THING?!? fuck him. guy's a moron who's gonna be looking for a new job in a few months. oh you want an example of Bush's waffling you say? how bout this.... saying time and time again that he cares about eradicating terrorism, whilst all of a sudden diverting our resources away from the REAL theater of the war on terror (read: Afghanistan) so he could go fight a war whose real agenda was polishing up the Bush family name and avenging that assasination attempt on his father. what an asshole. on a lighter, more comical note.. how many people felt like Bush's makeup artist went kinda overboard? looked almost kinda fruity. on a more positive note... i'm actually beginning to be impressed by Kerry a little, for once .. thinking that when I vote for him it won't MERELY be a vote against Bush.
  13. in most European countries/languages (such as English), names ending in "o" tend to be boy's names and names ending in "a" tend to be girls names, and those ending in "y" can swing both ways, sotaspeak. don't worry nalo, Dru's just sensitive about this kinda thing cause he's got one of those names which doesn't end in "y" but still can swing both ways.
  14. What I see as setting Gottermoron apart from all these others is that he made nu-me-rous threats of violence against people on this site. And whether or not he was "joking" (and I'm sure some of you will rush to his defense in claiming that) .... he's seemingly too young, stupid, or ignorant to know that the law doesn't differentiate much between a threat and the actual act. Yeh that kind of bullshit, in my mind, is one of the few, if not the only, reason(s) to ban someone. Seems kinda silly that someone was banned for their statements on wilderness bolting.. tho I didn't read the actual threads and their wordings of whatever.
  15. no shit, J.
  16. Saturday: went biking with a few friends on the sweet-ass singletrack of Moran State Park, Orcas Island. great views, nice big trees, fast swoopy trails. Sunday: took us 7 hours, count em, 7 hours, to get home to Seattle from Moran SP (long ferry wait.. then ferry was late... the ferry had to wait for the "more important" ferry to disembark first... hellacious traffic on SR 20... also some traffic on I5)
  17. mountain bike chicks RAWK!!! yeah that article was pretty cool for the most part, but then there was that part about: fer crying out loud. sounds like she's never been on rides with BBTC guys... or maybe she just hasn't hung out with guys, period, since she was age 12 or something. (lesbo perhaps?)
  18. Greg. You're crazy. Gottedamerung, from most of his posts I've read, seemed to be a cowardly, hateful, sociopathic individual. Civility was apparently no where even remotely connected to his worldview.
  19. Dont forget to have a little fun today. not on bumper sticker, but it should be... seen yesterday on a billboard on SR20, between Anacortes and I5 (ad for Whidbey Island Bank)
  20. Double_E

    win $50,000

    no SHIT. well said, Josh.
  21. Double_E

    Free Advice

    yo lambone- I don't know you either.. don't know a thing about you. nor do i know this moderator, nor even which mod it was. I also don't know the context of that PM of theirs. but speaking objectively... from the tone of that paragraph, it sounds like that mod meant well. if I were you i'd try to appreciate the random, unsolicited, friendly advice of a stranger.
  23. undefeated at home last year beyottch!!
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