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Everything posted by Double_E

  1. remember a couple years ago when KISW had some ad for something or other (hmm.. themselves, maybe) where they played a clip of Lars Ulrich from Metallica, where he was talking all fast and helium-voice-sounding about how it's not nice to download music without paying the artist etc etc... making him sound like a whiny little snot-nosed kid? and then the music stops and they say "uh... sorry Lars" well that's what i think of whenever i see this Lars guy post.
  2. yeah but, outside of CC.com, are there more than a few dozen people on the planet who've ever actually googled the word "Nodder"?? sure ain't, Nodder!
  3. Double_E

    The Exodus

    now the domestic beer i can (could) deal with. but the NASCAR... noway.
  4. Double_E


    currently 26 degrees F in Green Bay, according to weather.com at least. and the Packers are LOVIN' it, baby!!! making mincemeat of the Rams. there's hope for the Hawks...
  5. gotta sense of humor for puppy pics... but not for stoopid jokes.
  6. Double_E

    Buy Nothing Day

  7. Dude...no WAY. Really? Damn....I've got a plaster cast on my hand....could be used as a club....I wonder if they'll make me saw it off at the door? Doh...then there are pins in my arm...could be used to stab somebody's eyes out...maybe I should just forget it. yeah but a cast is a handicap (a temporary handicap, but still a handicap)... discriminating against THAT, they'd face a MUCH bigger legal hassles than those that'd result from you using the cast as a weapon in the mosh pit.
  8. Schuldt: i've been tempted sometimes to do that exact same post, to this thread or sometimes others... but then again, doncha think that " " by itself, with nothing else... is kinda self-contradictory?
  9. nice link, Dave. awesome maps.
  10. that reminds me of a short, funny poem in this one book supposedly written by Tom Robbins.... under the pen-name "Wing F. Fing". (how many can name this book?) Cock-a-doodle-do. Let's screw. In the morning light, In your cunt so tight, My cock will doodle-do.
  11. Double_E

    Dating at Work

    tooo funny. yeah for the most part i agree. however, IF you work in totally different divisions of a huge company, and you never have to work directly together ...... and, IF both of you are mature/rational enuf to not, if shit goes sour, bring the bad blood into the workplace (that's a big IF, btw) ...... i'd say go for it.
  12. just finished a small but very important project this morning... the boss is gonna be stoked!! just took a dump. it's sunny out. going to my first hockey game this Saturday.
  13. i hear they have beer in vending machines there. i also hear that it (and everything) costs a shitload. one of the most expensive countries to visit. changed planes there once a few years ago. sweet view of Mt. Fuji as we were coming in to land.
  14. thanks Selkirk. I don't, buy my parents both spent the bulk of their careers at the US Department of State. by the time Powell took its helm in 2000, Dad was retired but Mom was still working there. she only met Powell like once i think but she did, thru the course of her day to day work, learn alot about the man. she had many good things to say about him, including the fact that he was an extremely intelligent, rational, levelheaded man.... and BTW she's about as liberal as they come.
  15. i want to see a re-post of that pic someone posted a few months ago... sort of a WWII-recruitment-poster-looking thing, with Condi dressed up in military garb w/big smile, and the caption "I'M FIGHTING FOR WHITEY". (sorry, don't have time to go search for it right now, myself)
  16. saw Tool there a couple years back, which ed. security made me throw away my keychain-carabiner at the door tho.... bastids. (you know, those biners which are like 2.5 inches long and say "Not For Climbing Use". said that it could be used as a brass-knuckles-type instrument.) it's like Give... Me... A... Fuckin... Break, ya punkass, lawsuit-paranoid morons!! yeah but so the KA is OK, at least as far as big arenas go.. decent sound n' all.
  17. fun night. no movies, which was kindof a bummer (unless it happened after we left at like 1 am i think it was). but oh well.. good music, good peeps.
  18. when bought my first/only set of AT gear a few years back, the sales guy in one store said that the only drawback of Dynafits was that ice/snow gets crusted into the toe-holes, which I could totally see happening... also just in general they didn't/don't look very sturdy or beefy for some reason... dont seem like they'd grip yer boots well. so i got Fritschis, which i liked 100% for a while, but then after about 8-9 days of use the heel started unclipping (went into touring mode) sometimes when it wasn't supposed to!! like when i would do something stressing the binding, like a turn in powder, etc. so for a while i was just thinking the bindings sucked, but then eventually i took em back to the store that installed them and it turned out that the moron who'd done so hadn't lined up the rear piece correctly, so it was all like cockeyed. (& this BTW was prettymuch unnoticable to me, but the shop tech realized it right away). they also said the guy who installed them no longer worked there, and hadn't been the greatest installer anyways. so i ended up getting a new pair of skis for free that day!! .... totally solved the problem.
  19. so you going Lionel? anyone else goin? i was gonna go to the Pyramid thing Saturday but then waited till the last minute to look into (or even think of necessity of) getting tickets. website says they're sold out, and girl i talked to at Pyramid confirmed this. so, will have to settle for this shindig. hopefully the $20 donation will make it not sell out.. of course it's only 12 tho, when you figure on the complimentary beers...
  20. Double_E

    Arafat has died

    true, but so is Ariel Sharon. not to mention Dubya.
  21. i DO like the idea of a law requiring us to vote... tho i also think it would never get passed in America. now the idea of the absentee ballot w/prepaid postage.. that would also increase voter turnout and COULD feasibly be enacted. i also like the idea of a law banning the habit so many people seem to have of turning nouns into adjectives by adding "-esque"... for me it rivals the improper use of apostrophe's (er, apostrophes) as being the-single-most-annoying thing people do with the written word.
  22. UPDATE: guy from downstairs of main house is moving to the upstairs apt... so now instead there's a 1 BR basement apt. available for 600/month.
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