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Everything posted by Double_E
Shoulder up your gun and whistle up your dog Shoulder up your gun and whistle up your dog Off to the woods for to catch a groundhog Oh groundhog Run here Sally with a 10-foot pole Run here Sally with a 10-foot pole Twist this whistlepicker out of his hole Oh groundhog Here comes Sal with a snicker and a grin Here comes Sal with a snicker and a grin Groundhog gravy all over her chin Oh groundhog You eat up the meat and save the hide Eat up the meat and save the hide Best dern shoestring ever was tied Oh groundhog There's meat in the cupboard and butter in the churn Meat's in the cupboard and butter's in the churn, If that ain't groundhog I'll be durned Oh groundhog Watch them boys they're about to fall, Watch them fellers they're about to fall, They eat 'til their britches won't button at all Oh groundhog --old Appalachian folksong
ok, i guess i didn't exactly achieve robert plant's high falsetto ... but i gave it my best shot!
i think the only bands i've ever done the 'oke with were ac/dc and zeppelin.
holishit. we'll i've never said things like THAT to customer service reps i've talked to throughout the years... but i have found myself being pretty damn rude to phone reps... and later felt lame about it, after coming to my senses and realizing/remembering that it was their COMPANY, and not them, that had created the stoopid problem. (funny,... when i think about it, every anecdote I could drum up would probably be relating to phone company bullshit... MCI, AT&T wireless, etc) anyway, so on lieu of being able to apologize to all them, I hereby do so to you Muffy, for them words i've said to all them nameless, thankless customer service reps.
hahaha. i've never got the "fly off and land in someone else's lap" part down, but yeah, the key technique ain't too bad when ya get the hang of it.
no first-hand info, but i have known a lot of dedicated climbers who were from New England I climbed Glacier Peak with a couple dudes from NH actually. a high school buddy of mine went to college in Maine. he was always talking about all the sweet climbing he was doing up there. plenty of both rock and ice. .... but if you don't like ice climbing, you'd better learn to like it if you're moving there .... from what i hear it's some of the best in the lower 48!! and the skiing sucks, so what else ya gonna do in the winter? (BTW, i've never ice climbed, but would probably take it up if I moved there.)
not that i know of, but i seems like something that would happen in a Bond film.... i guess the first image it conjured in my head was Jaws from Moonraker.
sounds like someone's been watching too many James Bond movies.
for bottles: bic lighter wide, flat-head screwdriver... imitating bic lighter technique handle end of thick butter knife... imitating bic lighter technique mini-mag flashlite... imitating bic lighter technique leatherman (completely closed.... and imitating bic lighter technique) leatherman (open, using bottle-opener tool) edge of kitchen counter
my FIRST reaction to this was: c'mon, Gary, haven't you worked in retail before?!? don't you know the customer is always right!! when i worked at Round Table Pizza many years ago, we had to follow that credo, and follow it we DID.... however, that didn't prevent us from allowing a little bias in the quality (ahem) we used in preparing the pizza of a rude asshole. (tangent: look people, DONT EVER, EVER be a shithead to someone who's preparing your food.... it's just not a wise idea) my SECOND and final reaction to this was: "NAME_DELETED" and you both sound like total fucking whiners. the only difference is that NAME_DELETED's entire email sounds whiny; yours doesn't till the last paragraph.
My peeves for January: 1) people who dont look where they're going and almost bump into you. .....one of the worst places for this is the outdoor stairs at the Seattle REI.... peeps who are goin down or up the staircase and are too busy talking about the fancy toys they just bought or are about to buy .... to see they're about to crash into you. 2) stores where you buy like just a few items, and they give you this receipt that's like 18 inches long, with ads about what's on sale or some sweepstakes bullshit. WTF?!?! save your paper, ya morons. I'm not interested in the shit you have to sell. ONLY the stuff i just bought. REI, despite being big and corporate, doesn't do this which is cool, but like... QFC, Safeway, and all the other big supermarkets do, plus Men's Wearhouse, Home Depot, etc. Blockbuster does too.. but at least they split up the 18" into like three pieces.. hah. 3) the beer commercials this year with the football refs. the Miller ones are sort of allright, but the Bud ones with the refs stealing the beer are just stoopid. ..... how dare they suggest a ref would steal beer. .... whatever happened to those Coors Light commercials with their twiiins???
sounds like it might be time to get a new car, TLG. (um, that is.. IF you want to go skiing, climbing, etc.)
funny video.... crazy fukkin Hungarians. i tried to open that link yesterday at work, and i got, for the first time, my company's automated you-cant-view-this-website message. classified it as "GPORN" ... which probably means "general" porn, as opposed to porn of a more specific variety. about two monts ago, our network security dept. said they were adding a whole bunch of new websites to their list of banned ones. (was kinda worried that CC.com would be, but nope... can still go there). but i always will (always have) checked the URL on a CC.com link before opening them at work... this one sounded innocent enough though, "funpic.hu" and so i opened it. I've learned my lesson tho. No longer will I open anything at work unless it's a website i know to be completely worksafe. (cuz the more links like that i open, the more the chance of them one day banning CC.com ) LINK-POSTERS, TAKE HEED... EVEN IF THE PIC/VIDEO YOU LINK TO WONT GET YOUR FELLOW CC.COM-ERS IN TROUBLE, THE WEBSITE IT'S ON COULD... PLEASE WARN ACCORDINGLY. THANKS. this picture is probably one of the things they deem "GPORN".... (would be acceptable for prime-time teevee, but could get you in trouble if viewed at work) MANN i wish i'd had that picture when i was 15 and fascinated with Pink Floyd... woulda taken it to Kinkos and gotten it printed to poster-size for my bedroom.
happy birthday, mr.E!
elementary, my dear mollusk. didn't you know that most mammals engage in one type or another of snout-crotch contact??
i remember a few months ago, Tom Leykis talking about how he'd gotten the Nigerian email thing... if i recall he had some choice words to say about it all.
i got this recently in my Yahoo Bulk-Mail folder ... some kinda stream-o-consicousness-ness... parts of it funny as shit, parts enlightening, and parts of it just plain bizarre ... i think the first part that made me crack up was the thing about the blonde and the bishop. From: "Enrollments D. Unpack" <belt@net-alert.com> Add to Address Book To: "Bikr" <bikr273 @ yahoo.com> Subject: I'm so sorry! : ) Date: Fri, 07 Jan 2005 19:16:57 -0600 I think you're meant to sprinkle salt on it... : ) [red X in white box] [red X in white box] [red X in white box] E noho ra Crises and deadlocks when they occur have at least this advantage, that they force us to think.Focus on competition has always been a formula for mediocrity. A man falls in love through his eyes, a woman through her ears. Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition.You know more of a road by having traveled it than by all the conjectures and descriptions in the world. It was a blonde. A blonde to make a bishop kick a hole in a stained-glass window. Can one preach at home inequality of races and nations and advocate abroad good-will towards all men? Be careful: they have arms, and no alternatives. Great is the hand that holds dominion over man by a scribbled name. Many deceive themselves, imagining they'll find happiness in change. No one ever became great by imitation. Nobody talks so constantly about God as those who insist that there is no God. All things grow with time -- except grief. A hurtful act is the transference to others of the degradation which we bear in ourselves. To get rich never risk your health. For it is the truth that health is the wealth of wealth. Today a reader, tomorrow a leader. I would define true courage to be a perfect sensibility of the measure of danger, and a mental willingness to endure it. A friend is a lot of things, but a critic isn't [red X in white box]
right on, Mike. you go girl!! (er, i mean, you go boy!!)
i'm trying to think... any good smoke-free places downtown?
weak. seems like it gets harder and harder for kids to have fun these days, in these United States of Jesusland.
well considering some of the posts of yours I've seen, Nolse, that Shania Twain song called "Man, I feel like a woman" should be right on point.
sweet. went up to Paradise yesterday with this guy i work with... climbed up to 7500, about half way to Camp Manure. 'bout 12 inches of fairly dry freshiez!! much niceness. mostly cloudy, fairly poor visibility ... but at one point it freakishly cleared up -- like completely -- for 30 minutes, and we saw the entire mountain, and the valleys below too.