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Everything posted by Double_E

  1. i'm pretty new to this site overall but from what i've noticed so far... every time i go to the list of forums Spray has the MOST or SECOND MOST number of people viewing. when i checked a couple minutes ago it had over twice as many as any other! prob'ly about 3/4 of my posts so far have been on it. hell, climbers don't always want to talk about climbing.
  2. Double_E

    Unreal Tournament

    Atari 2600 s!! call me ol' skool, but i've always preferred 2-dimensional video games...
  3. couple years ago my buddy Mike cooked up a bunch of elk ribs for us from this elk his dad shot. mhhaan were those things good. great marinade, followed by a couple hours of slow-cookin' in the oven & then onto the grill. turned out pretty damn well. yum. wouldn't mind trying some elk again this spring...
  4. actually vice versa bro. got that in 1998.
  5. EuroEnglish The European Commission have just announced an agreement whereby English will be the official language of the EU rather than German which was the other possibility. As part of the negotiations, Her Majesty's Government conceded that English spelling had room for improvement and has accepted a five year plan that would be known as "EuroEnglish." In the FIRST year, "S" will replace the soft "C". Sertainly this will make the sivil servants jump with joy. The hard "C" will be dropped in favour of the "K". This should klear up konfusion and keyboards kan have one less letter. There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the SEKOND year when troublesome "PH" will be replased with "F", this will make words like "fotograf" 20% shorter. In the THIRD year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be expekted to reach the stage where more komplikated letter kombinations are possible. Governments will enkourage the removal of double letters that have always ben a deterent to akurate speling. Also al wil agre that the horid silent "E"'s in the languag are disgrasful and should be removd. In the FOURTH year peopl wil be reseptiv to steps such as replasing "TH" with "Z" and "W" with "V". During ze FIFZ year ze unesesary "O" kan be droped from vords kontaining "OU" and similar alterations vud of kors be aplid to ozer kombinatons of leters. After zis FIFZ yer ve vil hav a reli sensibl riten styl. Zer vil be no mor trubls or difikultis and evrivun vil find it ezi to komunikat viz ech ozer. "ZE DREM VIL FINALI KUM TRU !!!!!"
  6. so i lost you somewhere... why exactly do we "suck"? i'm assuming that you mean that modern man & woman are "spoiled" cause they aren't burdened with the hardships of yesteryear/yestercentury. (something i've heard alot, and agree with to some degree) but on the flipside, you gotta admit that in certain ways THEM folks (of 100+ yrs ago) were spoiled, in that they didn't have to deal with many disturbing things about modern life, such as.... nuclear waste nuclear bombs global warming overpopulation WMD genocide reality TV shows dubya
  7. OK, the curiosity is killing me; no one else responded to help fill in the blanks, so... WTF is the pun i got my foot caught in here (about the word "grom")?
  8. wait wait, what?! i don't know what kind of places you all work, but i always thought that the classic "9 - 5 schedule" usually meant either 8:30 to 5:00 or else 9:00 to 5:30. so you're saying there are (or, were) a lot of places which paid for your 1/2 hour lunchbreak? none of the jobs i've had have afforded such luxuries, nor have i heard of such, except for like top management staff. yeh in the bigger picture tho... the 1938 FLSA you mentioned klenke and was a big improvement for America's workforce what with the stadardization of the 40 hr work week. but in many European countries they got it even better: 35 hours is the standard work week, AND they get typically twice as much paid leave time as us, usually 4+ weeks per year. lucky bastards.
  9. Yeah no shit! I like David Horsey's stuff too, and that guy Oliphant. sharp fellers.
  10. uh, am i the only one reading this who doesn't understand like one frickin bit of this thread?!? I mean i know the meaning of "Stoney", "Canadian", and "beyotch".. but other'n that I'm pretty much in the dark. confused but nonetheless amused...
  11. Double_E


  12. Double_E


    well y'know what else? if you rearrange the letters of Ronald Wilson Reagan you get the words Insane Anglo Warlord. similarly, if you examine the words George Herbert Walker Bush to determine their hidden meaning you get Huge Berserk Rebel Warthog.
  13. can't believe no one's brought up saunas!! i think overall heat is more likely to increase circulation than cold... but the shock of going from extreme heat TO extreme cold is better than anything for increasing it. idunno, maybe it's just me. now with the intial cold shower or tub after the sauna, it think it maybe constricts the vessles some (and uh, other things too), but then right when you start to warm up (and for the long run) it increases circulation, bigtime. same goes for hot springs and hot tubs, especially soaking in when it's real cold out and then goin' for a walk in the chilly air. awww yeah. y'know in Finland, where the word sauna comes from, they go out and roll in the snow when they get tired of the heat!
  14. Double_E

    Old sayings

    work is the curse of the drinking class -Irish proverb Happy (almost) St. Paddys' Day folks!
  15. Double_E

    avatar pictures

    i like it when scott posts twice in a row, like at the top of this thread. mmmmm... twins.
  16. oops. right. here it is.
  17. well I don't have a web site (slacker... I know) so I can't post the pic, but while we're talking about funny t-shirts heres one... picture of Monica Lewinsky with a white goopy moustache and below her picture it says "Not Milk". can email pic to those interested.
  18. wtf??!?!? i've lost most of my anti-advertising, anti-consumerism ideallism of yesteryear, thank you very much, but that is just fuckin WRONG. there's very few things i'd commit acts of civil disobedience to prevent, but that would have to be one of em. hell, i got relatives in florida.. could kill two birds with one stone with th' plane ticket; visit them AND cape canaveral.
  19. Double_E


    saw her picture on NW Cable News a couple hours ago... looked like a total nutroll.
  20. Dhhamn, that is one awesome idea strickland. can't believe I never thought of or heard of that before. i might actually learn to love junk mail.. for a few weeks at least!
  21. Well after lurking for months and coming to a coupla pub clubs I'm actually posting to CC for the first time. Hi all. And after working too much and not doing nearly enuf skiing this winter, I'm finally now looking for some [more] backcountry ski partners. I've got randonee gear and have had it for a few years but have mostly used it for DH areas so far. Time to change that sad state of affairs!! Probably have done about 12 days of XC/BC in my life; local stuff includes Reflection Lakes, Paradise, some stuff at Mt. St Helens, some stuff at White Pass, etc. At DH areas I'm a good solid blue-run skier; usually do like one black per day. Couple yrs ago I took a good multi-day avi class from Gary whasshisname. Don't have a beacon but do have borrow-access to one. If we're going to ski avi-prone conditions/terrain tho I'm going to need some refresher practice... taking turns hiding a beacon in the woods or snow & taking turns finding it. Yeah so I dunno, I was thinking-- Blewett Pass this weekend? Or next? Saturday works better this weekend, but Sunday's better most future weekends. Ethan PS: also could be talked into just hitting grommers tomorrow... like maybe Stevens.
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