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Everything posted by letsroll

  1. glad you posted. Good reminder to keep safe out there. Two years ago I as nearly traped by two avi's in a span of 5 minutes. I was alone and ignored the signs. Fortunely I was not buried (by happenstance in a safe zone), but it has changed the way I cimb and BC tour. Much safer and keep evaluation snow conditions all the way too the top. Experience can be a crule mistress. Everybody keep safe out there.
  2. You are suppose to park in lot #3. The lot just before you get to the lot where the TH is at.
  3. nice pics. What a great weekend to be out!!! THat one was added to the tick list on my way to the NF.
  4. instead if listing another TR for Chair north face thought I would just add to this one. Fheimerd and I did it on 1/12/07. It was freaking cold up there. fheimerd and i headed up. We broke trail all the way. It looked like there was two climbers heading up to Da tooth. Looks like we started just a bit to the left of where we should have. It was spicy fun all day. A definite step up for me and it was soooo much fun. I am hooked on steepness!!!! Fheimerd got the ball rolling and did a great job firing off the first pich. All kinds of snow conditions were had on route which added to the fun. First climb like this so we were slow. Have my eye one the NE butt.
  5. that was a great story. we should have more TR's like this one
  6. nice work. great pics. So you have all the lines figured out for when I head your way. I am going to have to skip this weekend, hands are messed up and will need a coulpe of weeks to get healthy
  7. nice, too bad I have to work. Now if I would just win the lotto....
  8. How far from the TH will the skinning begin? I am interested.
  9. smart a$$ Dan. "Snow" Shelter is as large or as small as you want it. Where the hell have you been dan? You getting back to the gym soon?
  10. Looking for ski tours for Donners Pass. Found this web sight http://www.bobskiing.com/skiindex.htm but is seems more long tours and multi-day tours. Anything that is shorter and have options for newbies? Taking g-friend.
  11. "warm-up" I would like to say that some day,,
  12. way to get out and get some. thanks for the porn!!!!
  13. fern I am looking a going with Beyond Fleece. I am tall and skinny so the custom fit would be nice. On thier fitting area they have a choice for Technical fit as well if you wanted the sleeves to fit over the hand. Did you do these options?
  14. If I were you I would take a year at the resorts. You will save yourself a lot of time and frustration. The best way to learn or improve your ability is to get as many turns in as possible during a day and the only way to do that is at a resort. It is $$$ but in the long run it will pay off huge. As for AT gear I like the Fritcschi Freerides for breakable crust and easy entry in the pow. I matched the Freerides with the Gatama's. This setup is really heavy and sucks for long trips. If I am going to skin a lot and breakable crust is non-issue I like to us Dinafit bindings (very light setup) with looks to be this years Atomic Kailas. If you are trying to save some money don't skimp on your boots!!! You can find other kinds of fritchies on sale if you look around. Good luck and have fun.
  15. Linkie to the oregon forum where I posted first. http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=627826&page=0#Post627826
  16. The snow was on the road going over the pass. This should be melted out next week some time. I would venture a guess that the snow line will be near the hairpin turn so you will have to boot (I am guessing now) maybe a mile or two. When I get home I am going to figure out about where the log was. You will be able to drive to the blockage. I suspect they will not be interesting in moving the tree till spring and the downed tree is on the large side. Not going to be able to tow it out of the way, they are going to have to cut it up.
  17. I checked out Mt Jefferson on the off chance I would make it to the hairpin turn for some freshies. The road is blocked about 5 miles from the whiteriver TH by a large tree. Not sure how much further to the hairpin it is from there. Thought I would let others know.
  18. SS of south sister is easy to solo. Just make sure of the avi.
  19. How about this, Who paid to drive the media up in the snowcat?
  20. a) Who gives a rip what Rosie O Donnell cares. She just read one story two sentences long and she knows all. b) Ya ericb I wonder as well. That would pay for a lot of SAR. c) Everybody who goes outdoors on a trail for anything should pay the $200 fee Rosie Fatt A$$ proposes.
  21. Is there a place where I can find all this info and more. I have been looking but one web sight will give info that another won't have.
  22. I am heading to whistler in Feb. Looked through the US border stuff and it seems I don't need a Passport to enter US till 08 if traveling by land. Just heard on radio that I need a passport to ENTER Canada however. Does anybody know what the story is? Do I need to get my passport updated??
  23. Man the news guys have been talking to climbers all week, shy could they not get one to tell them what a freaking MLU vs. PLB. Why are not more climbers taking PLB's, maybe cause the are ONLY $600 "like a lot of climbing gear". Good job REI for setting them straight on what an MLU is. I don't know about the rest of the freaking board but I don't have $600 sitting around getting dust on it to go and buy ONE piece of equipment. Heck can you even buy and MLU and don't MLU's only work on Mt. Hood? I have never hear of them being use any place else.
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