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Everything posted by letsroll

  1. Ok layzy now. ID Bugaboo. Love it!!!! eVent works great. Would never use a bivi sack in bad conditions however. Worst I would ever use it would be cold, little snow and slight wind. Have a tent for anything worse. Two thumbs up for the eVent matterial.
  2. damn what happend to my text???
  3. Wfinley. I have had teh Nepal Exreams for 3 years now. THey work great!! I love mine. One thing (think all boots will have this problem). The part for the front toe bail is wearing thin and I have to be real carefull about making sure my crampons are on real good otherwise they pop off. To let you know I have done a LOT of scree "climbing" in them so they got warn fast. I belive I can have this fixed via boot repair in seattle. Since I have switched to AT gear in winter and spring I don't use these boots till summer and they are a bit warm for summer in the cascades. But if you want a boot that is good for all conditions this is the boot. I have a hard time justifying the purchase of newer lighter boots since these are still working for me.
  4. Bump. I am headed down thursday afternoon for the State High School Track meet. Looking to hook up with partner for some climbing. Anybody interested in thursday afternoon or friday morning (fairly sure those are the hours I will have free)???? Not the greatest climber but I can belay like no-ones buiness PM me or just reply here. Edit to say that I am looking to climb at the Columns.
  5. It is every where, in every guide book, on every piece of gear you buy. "Climbing is an inherently dangerous activity."
  6. Billbob. Just finished reading the Oregonian story on this. The climbing party was not very experienced. One member had tried to summit hood several times before but had yet to succeed. As for posting that white-outs might happen. Come on. This is mountain cimbing. Yes the navigation points to get back to timberline are from crater rock but how hard is it to get from illumination to the top of palmer??? Not hard. It is not like they were dropped off at illumination via helecopter. They did hike from palmer to illumination. Maybe it is just me but I took note the FIRST time I went up there that is was a long ass slightly uphill travers to get to illumination. With map and compass I would be able to get back to plamer. Best bet would be to aim for the middle of plamer so you don't miss it. I have used this very simple and basic way to get to timberline from illumination in a white-out myself. If you have a very basic understanding of any navigation or even common sence. Heck, do a traverse to crater rock from illumination and use the nav SS nav directions to get back to timberline.
  7. guess I should state this also. Glad everybody is safe. But still......
  8. Doug T thanks for the heads up. This is lame but maybe there should be a marking on the bolts and anchors so that is a climber is stealing them (can't belive that a fellow climber is so lame) that if some one finds it on a new route/project they can then take them back and put it where it belongs. No matter what it is lame that you can't leave anything and expect it to be there. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure that bolts on a rock in a known climbing area might be important.
  9. Have to agree with the tone of this thread. Dumbasses. If I had been with them I would be downright embarrassed. Can't get off leutholds cause of "suprise snowstorm" and no injuries, bull. Go learn navagation!!!! PLEASE. If you can't use your GPS to get off the mountain and if you did not take enough waypoints then don't take the damn thing. MAP and COMPASS. These people are making the rest of us look bad. Oh by the way I NEVER look at the weather report prior to heading out. Glad I was unable to head out this weekend. Otherwise I would have been solo on the same route with these dumbasses. I have gone up plenty of bad situations, but I make damn sure I have a bail out plan at all times. Rumer has it that it is called THINKING AHEAD.
  10. don't know how much this will help but check this out. http://www.dramaticwriter.com/beginners.html
  11. what were some of the issues you ran into??
  12. Not ho highjack the thread, but how many new routes have been put up since the last Portland Rock climb book has been published??? It seems quite a few. Does anybody know most of those routes?? Heck or all of them?? Now for then next question. What do people think of updating the guide book. Would it be worth the time??
  13. ski you better post at TR as I am looking at that route later this month with the G-friend.
  14. hate to say it but check out this web sight and ask or search. More likely to find info and reviews. http://www.rockclimbing.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?forum=19;guest=11855425
  15. who needs to go to the store to buy gear. Just head up hood...lol. Nice of you to place those in lost and found. Sorry to hear about the weather. I never left the parking lot
  16. There is a fair amount of it at Broughton's Bluff. Was wondering what the best way to get rid of, or manage it. Would simple pruning of the plant at the base of it kill it? Or do I need to spay it with some kind of weed killer? Also I don't want to get any on me while I do this. I like going there and would like to help keep it a great place to climb.
  17. When the old webbing is good I use it and save my webbing, when not sure back the old with my webbing. Thinking for good Karma I am going to start clean out old webbing and leave a nice new piece this year. For trees I girth hitch them so they can grow with out growing over the webbing.
  18. LOLOLOLOLOLOLLOLO....That way way too funny.. Don't think he will live that one down.
  19. So when are we going?????? Got to put my new sled skills to good use...lol. When in doubt....lol.
  20. lol nice report. Have had a few of those trips myself. Isn't climbing fun...... Keep up the work. Bag it next time.
  21. Another rap sling question. What do people like to use??? I have and still using 1 inch tubular webbing. Yes it is bomber but it is heavy and takes up space. Other options??? 5 mm cord? or less??
  22. yes you can sleep in your car in the parking lot, do it all the time. The "climbers" lot, a.k.a. the dirt lot on your right JUST before you hit the main lot is best for sleeping in. It has no lights and less traffic.
  23. This time of year should not be a problem. Meadows does not really like people up there to poach thier goods. In winter this is really true when they are doing avi control. If they are closed don't think you will get harassed like you would in winter, again cause they might be doing avi controll. Get up there and get the spring goods _
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