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Everything posted by dan_forester

  1. wow, I learned something from the internets today...I'm going to be using biners to connect 2 slings instead of girth hitching them from now on.
  2. "The Holy Mountain" is on my top 5 favorite movies list, maybe even #2, after Point Break of course.
  3. can a pigeon nesting closure be far off?
  4. I think Wayne sent 'em a press release on how he UNCAGED THE POLE! (...of remoteness)
  5. pay to climb? I'll stick to the cascade jewels, thanks.
  6. congratulations, Kevin! nice to run into you in the marsupials the other weekend
  7. suprised you didn't pick this one...
  8. johnson had better look out for those nihilists
  9. are you guys viral marketers? c'mon, fess up now.
  10. thanks for the recommendations!
  11. that reminds me of the one time I hung out on the deck of Ruby's Cafe with Micah and Timmy, it was rad man
  12. this conjures up some unpleasant images...hope your head's OK.
  13. also no allusions to knob-polishing yet; I'm very proud of all of you as well
  14. anyone have an arborist in Portland that they'd recommend? I've got a dead tree in my yard that I'd like to convert to firewood.
  15. hmm, yeah - I don't really find this strategy comfortable for 1 mile, but maybe you've got a higher tolerance for suffering than the rest of us... nice pictures, by the way
  16. well, to quote ali g...you say tomato, I say potato...I'd call it C1.
  17. a spot of rogering?
  18. el pima?
  19. yeah, that's what I thought too.
  20. wish I'd seen Joe Strummer on his last tour with the Mescaleros. RIP Joe.
  21. Mike, are you sponsored by Mtn Hardwear now too?
  22. ensue the hilarity!
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