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Everything posted by dan_forester

  1. Well I don't want some cocaine sniffing triumph in the bar Well I don't want a triumph in the car I don't want to make a rich girl crawl What I want is a girl that I care about Or I want no one at all The Modern Lovers, "Someone I Care About"
  2. or try this , it's amazing what you can find if you search the internets.
  3. best answer yet
  4. and know how to get back to timberline in case the weather gets bad. bring a compass.
  5. this is all very sobering
  6. is there a little purple monster biting your foot? if so you probably have the gout.
  7. K2 the savage mountain, by houston & bates, is a heckuva book. I liked enduring patagonia also, can't remember the author
  9. As usual, the Japanese are years ahead of the west...check out this guy who spent 24 days hibernating after getting lost in the mountains.
  10. anyway, Dean Potter's our ambassador...go talk to him
  11. very nice pictures and story! sounds like you guys used good judgement up there next time, don't forget the dynamite, though!
  12. how irresponsible - no 60+ pack with 3 weeks of food, no mre's, no plb, and that's not even a technical ice club. I'm not paying for HIS rescue, I tell you what.
  13. I feel the same way, I just phrase it a little differently. When talking about something like this with a person of faith, I can't help but say that my own faith is utterly unaffected by what anyone else says (especially in Spray). And if it were, I would spend my time and effort looking for the reason why; and spend none of my effort on being offended or bothering other people with what is a deeply personal issue. Thanks folks....I was worried that newcomers wouldn't be able to grasp what I meant by echo chamber....nice illustration I'm deeply offended. oh piss off... hello!!!!
  14. I feel the same way, I just phrase it a little differently. When talking about something like this with a person of faith, I can't help but say that my own faith is utterly unaffected by what anyone else says (especially in Spray). And if it were, I would spend my time and effort looking for the reason why; and spend none of my effort on being offended or bothering other people with what is a deeply personal issue. Thanks folks....I was worried that newcomers wouldn't be able to grasp what I meant by echo chamber....nice illustration I'm deeply offended.
  15. I feel the same way, I just phrase it a little differently. When talking about something like this with a person of faith, I can't help but say that my own faith is utterly unaffected by what anyone else says (especially in Spray). And if it were, I would spend my time and effort looking for the reason why; and spend none of my effort on being offended or bothering other people with what is a deeply personal issue.
  16. olyclimber=zombie jesus? is layton's roommate's head missing? WHAT IS THE CONDITION OF LAYTON'S ROOMMATE'S HEAD???
  17. please to explain purpose of Mark VII's "crotch pincers"? disturbing!
  18. you otter know better than to trust what you read on wikipedia
  19. well it's safer than BASE jumping I'm sure
  20. sometimes, though, your tauntaun might fall into a half-mile deep crack in the glacier. or zombie jesus might bite its head off. a couple of the risks you have to accept if you're crazy enough to climb IN THE WINTER.
  21. heck yeah, a tauntaun is worth the weight. if you get lost, you're going to need some ladders to put in the shape of a "Y," indicating "yes, I'm here." Who's going to carry those ladders? A tauntaun, that's who.
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