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Everything posted by dan_forester

  1. of course, dru. I almost put a disclaimer in after I wrote that, something like "hey smart guy, before you say anything, I know this won't keep me from rapping off the end of the rope, it's more for added security going over an edge or if I have to stop and untangle the rope or what have you...."
  2. I only tie knots in the ends if I can't see whether or not the rope is going to reach the ground or the next rappel station. But I almost always put a autoblock (kleimheist actually) backup below the rappel device.
  3. the lameness explained
  4. dan_forester

    lighten up

    the punch line, if you will
  5. you can't get NO satisfaction sincerely, the reverse grammar police
  6. extremo and glissading-in-shorts man should partner up sometime; they'd make a striking pair
  7. dan_forester

    lighten up

    the biggest joke of all?
  8. too bad no one took pictures of this epic event and stored them on their ipod...or did they?
  9. dan_forester

    lighten up

  10. I don't think you have to even be a parent to care about kids and not want them to hurt themselves or get themselves addicted to hard drugs.
  11. it's a cascadeclimbers miracle!
  12. clogs, tulips, windmills and being below sea level all lose their appeal over time, I imagine.
  13. moderators, please move this to spray. thanks
  14. So, racially he's pretty cool?
  15. L'Étoile du Nord
  16. it's actually a mythical beast, the spawn of a caricature and a chiropractor. hey, is this a bolting thread?
  17. hey look, a speculation thread! was ib chopped or not? what % of climbers care?
  18. thanks for your advocacy on this, Rocky!
  19. how many dollars?
  20. The best climbers in your state live in Washington.
  21. how did you attach said branch? photographic evidence or diagram please.
  22. some great essays too
  23. cool pictures. dru, you're a brave man for posting that picture - you know it means you can't make fun of mountie fashion anymore, though, don't you?
  24. a rat done bit my sister Nell, with whitey on the moon...
  25. Tying in to the anchor with a clove hitch on the climbing rope is the way to go. I don't redirect the rope unless I have a bolt or a really secure piece separate from the main anchor.
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