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Everything posted by dan_forester

  1. thanks for all the thoughts. I hadn't thought about an adjustable fifi...does it adjust w/ a friction hitch of some kind? any of you who use it ever have a problem with it slipping? bill, I'll probably take you up on that offer to check out the yates adjustable daisies.
  2. from this it sounds like there's been building resentment of private security contractors in Iraq: from your experience over there does this sound like standard operating procedure?
  3. thinking about getting some yates or metolius adjustable daisies for aiding. anyone have thoughts on how adjustable daisies compare to standard daisies + fifi hook? will I finally be able to break the top-step barrier? thanks.
  4. that's too bad. seems like some random stuff to steal.
  5. occasionally I do expect my rope to hold body weight, so naturally, Bill, I'm curious about your story. let's hear it.
  6. ~8500 ft. near the "longest technical rock climb in the Sawtooths" no more clues! It would be cool if someone knew if it was a named feature.
  7. sweet granite...in Oregon?
  8. latin=classy? you all should read catullus. he's like allan ginsberg plus henry miller squared.
  9. mccall boater has scored 1 point for identifying the correct range! not near the finger, or ship island lake. it is near a lake though!
  10. no. you're hundreds of miles off. 1 point for the range, 2 points for the drainage it's near or the ridge it's on. 1000 points if you come up with a name (I'm betting it's nameless, but who knows).
  11. which lion's head are you thinking of? (but that's not it...)
  12. yes, it's true there's a real shortage of climbable rock in Idaho. I bet you've walked right underneath this particular formation, though.
  13. I have no idea. How about this diminutive and whimsical formation: john frieh knows where it is I bet.
  14. start in downtown LO by the starbucks, walk north one block, then west two blocks, pass three clothing boutiques, a gourmet chocolate place and another starbucks, then stop and listen for the telltale sounds of a bolting ethics debate. you'll find it no problem.
  15. bill, what snobbery - too good for root pulling! someday I'd like to give this "real climbing" a try, though.
  16. hey at least you got some use out of my gear - did you try those cam hooks? I need more practice too, so yeah let's get out to Beacon soon. I have to be in town sunday, but saturday's free to p for the lifesaving catch!
  17. how about this saturday?
  18. that's pretty cool. Ok, now who's going to make the first uncage the soul/human-dog-speed-ascent/third-party-timer joke? dru?
  19. hey, thank you cluck. that's roughly the area I thrashed around in a while ago. anyone up for a fall tour of what sounds like a gorge classic, let me know.
  20. the rock at salmon slab is surprisingly loose. I almost got beaned (belaying) by a baseball sized rock once when my partner (climbing) did exactly what you did. glad you're ok, sounds like you got lucky
  21. perfect.
  22. please, it would take jamin forever to drill rap bolts with that thing! a brace & bit is the way to go - brace w/ 4 jaw chuck
  23. thanks for that link, radek - didn't get yr pm, though? I guess what I'm wondering is where exactly the best place to leave the PCT is - a few years ago I bushwhacked around the area following lots of spurious flagging tape but didn't see anything like a decent route to the base of the bunny ears. sounds like I just need to try harder.
  24. anyone know the best way to get to the rabbit ears (by table mtn in the columbia gorge)? thanks, Dan
  25. does the rofl-copter run on organic biodiesel?
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