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Everything posted by badvoodoo

  1. I'm with Klenke on this one, since it requires the least amount of configuration, hardware, and time, but it IS critical you get the right cable, otherwise you'll get nowhere. The cable you're looking for is essentially a USB "crossover" cable, with a chip embedded in the cable for translating the feed. Some of the larger computer-oriented stores like CompUSA may have one, though they can be hard to find.
  2. "Dale a tu cuerpo alegria Macarena Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegria y cosa buena Dale a tu cuerpo alegria Macarena Ehhhh, Macarena"
  3. Yes, that pretty much illustrates how I felt. It was bizarre.
  4. I ran into that same problem trying to teach someone to tie their figure 8. I can do it easy as breathing, but he was doing it so strangely (including him being a righty and me a lefty), when I tried to do it myself, I couldn't do it. Watching him do it completely wrong made me think about it too much.
  5. FMJ, what else.
  6. Radical oppressor!
  7. badvoodoo

    i'm special

    Happy birthday, T. Enjoy your "special" day!
  8. Damn HW, who sold you the bad acid?
  9. badvoodoo


    And we STILL haven't found what we're looking for.
  10. Just replace "Osama" with "Trask": http://www.theonion.com/news.php?i=1&n=0
  11. And a shitload of Aquanet for putting some volume in that mullet.
  12. Cause usually all they have to do is say they need to warm up and they immediately have several standing offers.
  13. Since the plastic rings were already there, wouldn't that make her a sport climber?
  14. Isn't that Greg_W's new rig?
  15. badvoodoo


  16. The best explaination I've heard yet: Women react more to their extremities being cold as an instinctive reaction to preserve any offspring they may be carrying. Generally the women I know only feel warm if every part of them is the same temperature, while most guys can have their fingers falling off from the cold, but so long as their core is ok, they hardly even notice. Or it's just one of their methods of nagging men into a pitiful submissive mass.
  17. "Dad, ever felt.... not so fresh?" "Sure son, that's why I use Kiwicare. Fresh as a summer aerating."
  18. A tricam as a rappel device?? How exactly is that achieved?
  19. Still beats the UPS vehicle of SUVs.
  20. Who cares how many it sleeps when you're ashamed to be seen in it awake or asleep?
  21. The price is wrong, bitch!
  22. You want an example of sex making the difference in business, try one of the early episodes of The Apprentice (reality TV show with Donald Trump). Every person on that show is annoying as all hell, but the women beat the guys out every damn time at each venture they're tasked with.
  23. If it came in email, I call BS. I got an email claiming something would make my penis bigger and clean my colon, and all I got was some guy in leather chaps showing up at my door.
  24. I can see it now: "SCO files lawsuit with Microsoft over newly revealed stolen code. 'And we invented the Internet, not Al Gore,' says SCO spokesman."
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