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Everything posted by badvoodoo

  1. "Facts are meaningless. Facts can be used to prove anything that's even REMOTELY true!" - Homer Simpson
  2. Looks to me like it would need to be classified as necrophelia....
  3. badvoodoo

    Dumb People

    You'd all hit that and you know it.
  4. After how quickly this thread degenerated, I wouldn't hold my breath. But just imagine if she was
  5. C4 is tougher than you, too
  6. Bouldering or alpine... either way when it's over, you're still just standing on top of a rock that will always be tougher than you are.
  7. If applicable, a change in climbing venue is always good. Even outside of climbing, a visit to someplace completely new always recharges me, because it takes me outside my element and shows me things I had ignored or was unaware of.
  8. Because you suck at it?
  9. ...to make Viagra ads. I will give Dole this, he's got a good sense of humor.
  10. Bush may ride the short bus, but I can count on one hand the amount of people I've seen on the internet who will concede a heated debate just because they were wrong. in 2004!
  11. That depends on just how truly geeky you want to get. I use the iPaq for work, and I'm pretty happy with it. For a basic Window$ user, it ties right in, allowing you to work with Office documents and such. And most of the new ones, even the low-end 1945, come with BlueTooth, which could allow it to talk to your cell phone or computer wirelessly.
  12. Just because people leave does not mean more cannot fill their place. I was just referring to a handful of regulars, several of which tended to heatedly debate the Bush haters, that left a couple months ago.
  13. I think the majority of the vocal right-wing supporters left with the last mass exodus, and all the leftist liberals now feel more confident to come out and speak their mind now that they won't get flamed about it. If there's one thing liberals love to do as much as possible, it's bitch about Bush without having to roll their eyes at a Republican who's defending him. Is "leftist liberal" redundant?
  14. This one's goin out to bobbyperu:
  15. Or do what they do in the tech sector: politely correct their mistake, then mercilessly make fun of them to your friends when they can't hear you. For extra credit, refer them to someone else for help that you know can't help them, who will tell them to talk to someone else, who will tell them to call this number, which will put them on hold for an hour before randomly disconnecting them. Tricking someone for revenge is sweet. Having them thank you for it is sweeter.
  16. can I have some of those jeans too JON?? Please??? And trucker hats. We need cc.com trucker hats.
  17. Lo, and he shall come unto thine house, and his head shalt bobble verily, and with great rapture -- Psalms 4:20
  18. badvoodoo

    Big Bear

  19. It does look like something battery powered, but not for cleaning plaque. Did Dru get the Deep Sea Giant model?
  20. badvoodoo

    Unreal Tournament

    No way, Counterstrike is and always shall be the king.
  21. I find there's two primary reason cops will pull you over: 1) You're doing something that makes them take notice of you 2) They're trying to meet their quota, and running plates just to see if they'll get a hit. In my town, the cops are seriously underfunded, so they spend more man hours on violations that are fineable and will make them money, ie. speed traps, than minor crimes, ie. someone breaking into your home and stealing all your posessions. The local police have actually cited a policy to someone I know who's house was broken into and robbed that they will not send someone out to investigate a house that has been robbed unless under certain critera. Meantime state troopers will sit in the bushes for hours waiting to nab motorists going 10 MPH over the speed limit, endangering no-one. Talk about a crime. The police certainly provide a service to the public, but in the realm of minor violations and white-collar crime, in my mind it is no longer "To protect and to serve." It's now "To project and to earn."
  22. Helluva lot better than choking on a cheeto watching Cops.
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