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Everything posted by badvoodoo

  1. My 2 cents, but I don't understand people feeling compelled to toke up when they go somewhere breathtaking. Is the place not enough? Alcohol is my own motor inhibitor of choice, but I generally prefer to be on my game when I'm out enjoying a beautiful place and save the brew for the parking lot. I enjoy the place that much more sober. As for my power place, don't know that I have one in particular. I've seen lots of amazing places, and I think the thing that inspires me most is standing somewhere I know has been tread by only a select few. Being surrounded by concrete and asphalt the majority of the time, getting a very real sense for how alive a place can be despite us rather than because of us is very compelling. I need to be reminded now and again that I'm a guest in very remarkable place, rather than a resident.
  2. badvoodoo


    While you can get some good used motorcycles, a new ZX-10R is by no means a foolish purchase.
  3. badvoodoo

    do you care?

    This is true... You can dismiss someone with a simple "fuck you", but you can be sure they'll remember "go crawl back up the diseased monkey's rectum that spawned you, you putrid pile of ass bile." But it just doesn't have quite the same explosive feeling when you're clinging by your fingernails with your last ounce of strength.
  4. badvoodoo

    do you care?

    I only tend to watch myself around kids, since kids being the mimics they are, I don't want to inflict their parents with their kids walking around the house gleefully repeating "God fuckin motherfuck!" Adults may have their sensibilities chafed, but they'll get over it.
  5. Is this referring to clipping two loops next to each other? Or any two loops on the chain? I in my newbieness am not seeing how any two loops would be a bad thing...
  6. badvoodoo


    ***You are Ignoring This User*** Point taken.
  7. badvoodoo


    The powers that be seem to be successfully choking the life out of spray, and what's left is being killed by aggrivatingly stupid posts by "steaksauce" avatars, which are starting to leak out to other forums like a virus. The "steaksauce" crap was never funny to begin with, and it's growing worse over time. It's taken on the proportions of phychological warfare, like blaring classical music to disperse loiterers.
  8. Do you ever wonder if the people in these pictures stumble upon them on the net? Do you think they get pissed? In this case, I think the reaction would be more along the lines of "Yay, I'm on the internet! I like prizes! Yay!"
  9. It uses extacy? Is that for makin a Nalgene full of love?
  10. Dave, you're the one sending me those Viagra offer emails, aren't you.
  11. Or have sharks with FRICKIN LAZER BEAMS ATTACHED TO THEIR HEADS patrolling the water.
  12. Looks like a to me...
  13. There's always calendars
  14. Gha! Where's the "clawing out my eyes" graemlin?
  15. What a tool. This guy has no business trying to manipulate the public record, and I'd take it as a very alarming sign of what else he might be inclined to do with his position.
  16. You want it to rain constantly, that's great, there's some South American countries you would love. Enjoy. Me, I like having a summer. 3 months does not a desert make.
  17. That would be sweet. I hate having no rain for three months. You're a sick, sick man, and you need help.
  18. For someone who's being ignored, she sure gets a lot of responses...
  19. Sometimes you just gotta know
  20. Wow. I'm back in highschool.
  21. I got all of the first 4 hits. A true testimony to geekdom.
  22. Hans is going to be at UO tomorrow too, for those in Eugene. Information
  23. But what if I want long, drawn-out licks? Do they have those too?
  24. Trusting your rap anchor to Archie McPhee? Archie's cool and all, but I'm not sure I'd use their ashtrays for their intended purpose, let alone quicklinks.
  25. Wow, and the person who put that together probably considers that an "executive summary". People say computer geeks are weird, but damn, finance geeks are just plain disturbing.
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