Careful now. Everyone has the right to speak about a situation. Just not to claim to be an authority on it.
Remember, lots of "I think" or "I feel" statements.
Cool, ok, thanks for the feedback. Does it matter if they're coiled or just flaked?
And sorry Fern, I have lots of room and plenty of dark closets for storing my own rope.
Damn right Dru, you're destroying the planet faster than any of us! Why can't you get around in something more environment friendly like those upstanding environmentalists Cameron Diaz and Leonardo DiCaprio?
you'll note that was my only post in spray yesterday. and if you call me minxie again i'm going to have to start pulling hair and calling you fat
So is this type chit that goes on in the new all womyn forum. It should be made visible to all and it could be called the cat fight forum.
Actually, the cat fight forum should only be viewable by donors. Timmy and Jon would start rakin it in.
I just got my first rope, and it occurred to me that one method of storing it may be better than another for preserving core integrity and sheath state. Any suggestions? Does it matter?
But if all those people could drive, it wouldn't be a problem. If you're sitting in the checkout line behind an old woman that insists on paying entirely with coupons and pennies, and another checkout line opens, you're gonna change lines.
So, the US troops are terrorists.
Doolittle, The US kills innocent people, but it is not done "indiscriminately"
Damn right, our boys know how to lead a target when it's running.
This is actually my thinking as well. You can't decide who gets what? Then nobody gets it. You cannot reason with unreasonable people, so if they want to fight, they can fight over ownership of a smoking, irradiated crater.
check the dudes wife. maria shriver aint exactly plump.
Perhaps he drains women of their fluids because it keeps him musclar and young-looking. He's actually 268.