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Everything posted by badvoodoo

  1. Thats cuz us Oregoneans belive ejucashun is very importunt.
  2. On my playlist right now: Audioslave Tenacious D Dave Aude Christopher Lawrence
  3. I'm going to chalk Tikka's entrapment up to the fact that she can't decide whether to stay inside or outside for more than 5 minutes.
  4. Absolutely. Loggers and people with similar jobs are the reason those trucks were made. Even without them driving around blaring Bob Seeger. It drives me insane seeing a massive F-series, 4-door, lifted truck in the supermarket parking lot with a 4'8" housewife getting into it, which she has room to do because she took up 2 parking spaces. loggers need no trucks.
  5. If I can make it, I'm up for this. Jopa, ken4ord, I'll be bringin my board as well, so we'll be able to stand our ground against the two-plankers.
  6. Already made plans for Timberline this weekend. I had to chew over this one for a while tho. Next time, I'm there.
  7. badvoodoo

    hamster coat

    He probably has a hamster thong.
  8. I just recently learned to rappel, and I must say, when I was tearing down and getting ready to push off, I made damn sure I took my time and checked everything over. Hanging your ass over +60' of nothin is great motivation for doing things right.
  9. badvoodoo

    Free Martha!

    I didn't say she WAS one of these people. I said it's who she embodies. Hatin the game, not the playa.
  10. badvoodoo

    Free Martha!

    I can't honestly dislike the woman, cause all I know about her real personality comes from gossip. Other than that, I think people hate her because of what she embodies: the bored, rich, waspy housewife that people resent because she hasn't had to do a days work in her life and looks down on people. But if she's the hell-bitch off-camera people say she is, then she reaps what she sows.
  11. Whole lotta honkies for Thailand, but then I've never been.
  12. badvoodoo

    Lost on Me...

    Disturbing? How was it disturbing?
  13. Gloves for an autobrake device? This is someone too into the toys. Or perhaps she was trying to save her manicure.
  14. badvoodoo

    Lost on Me...

    I have to go with Matt on this one. I thought there were plenty of aspects of this film that really played well. A lot of people actually went into see this movie expecting Bill Murray hamming it up, and some were even disappointed when it turned out so deadpan. I haven't travelled overseas much myself, but I've done plenty of business travelling in the US, and there's a certain surreal dissociation that this film captures so well of living out of your hotel room in a completely unfamiliar city. The cultural differences of Tokyo just compound on that. I also found it refreshing how subtley they approached the relationship between Murray and Johanson. There is no feeling of inevitablity here, rather an undercurrent of connection that everyone knows is fleeting.
  15. oohhh okay , ya sure, I knew that this is dripping with internet sarcasum in case any one missed it You will have to forgive Muffy, she knows only Gir and Zim from the show, and that's enough for her.
  16. Long live spray.
  17. badvoodoo


    That just ain't right
  18. Maybe that's a new euphamism for masturbation. "Strangling the grandson." I kinda like it.
  19. If the population growth is really hurting that badly, I'd be willing to offer my services. Strictly for the sake of the future of humanity, of course.
  20. Get the Firefox browser (www.mozilla.org). It has built-in popup blocking. And it kicks ass.
  21. Oh ya, that's the MySQL virus. Unfortunately, you're going to have to take it in to get the harddrive degaussed. Or if you want to save some money, just find yourself the biggest magnet you can find, rare earth if possible, attach it to your harddrive inside the case, then power on the computer. That'll clean out the virus. (disclaimer: I can't in good conscience leave this post without saying DO NOT DO THIS)
  22. If I were seeing someone who wanted to go climbing just to be with me and wasn't interested in actually climbing, I'd have to say that was a serious warning sign for two reasons: 1) Too clingy/needy. I'm not the kind of dirtbag that's out climbing every available hour of the day. If they can't be comfortable with not being with me while I go do my thing, they're going climbing with me for the wrong reasons. 2) Insincerity. They're clearly not actually interested in my interests. If they're going to go climbing with me, I want them to actually give it a try, not just show up just to be there. That's way too highschool.
  23. Quit huffin office supplies, it's still there.
  24. A, definitely. If I'm having an off day, it's nothing to do with my climbing partner.
  25. I'm waiting for the pornstar and Emmanuel Lewis to announce their candidacy.
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