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Everything posted by lancegranite

  1. And pope, congratulations on yet another day without climbing anything, what does that make? 14...15 years now?
  2. Most people who complain about a suspect bolt usually do not climb with a hammer. The few of us who do have hickory and steel in tow understand the random bolt placement and the bullshit that will eventually come beacuse of it. They rest of you just see the bolt and make up your own self gratifying backstory. When we clean your routes for you, we use a hammer to really see what lies under the surface. Sometimes a nice looking crack is total shit, a partner once had gallons of freezing water jet out of a hole he was drilling on lead, the crack you galliantly dance up was cleaned by a guy clawing his way through the shit, his eyes, ears and mouth full of dirt and moss, just so the rest can enjoy it. Try it sometime to fully realize just how rotten, hollow, and generally manky "bomber rock" can be. People like BCD who clean up existing routes for everyone to enjoy are doing the work most of you would never do. There is no FA glory, no guidebook "fame" for guys like BCD, only the satisfaction of a job well done. I bid you good day.
  3. That record was from 1991 or so and is still relavant today. Raindawg, reading your monday morning quarterback commentary perfectly sums up how I feel about the bulk of your posts. I'm sure that more people would agree with your opinions if you were out there climbing moderate routes like the fine one featured in this nice video.
  4. LMS is run by some nice people, give em your business if you can.
  5. The girl next door had hers stolen up at Lake Wenatchee the other day.
  6. I miss that gnome sometimes, but it's great to see he's having such a rich, rewarding life. We met out on Lake Mead, he had been shipwrecked and he hitched a ride home with me. I'll never forget how he balanced on the bow of my kayak all the way back to the marina. He looks happy, but I'll be honest, I never trusted that bird friend of his... always mooching food, all the time mooching. If you find this gnome, take care of him, he loves adventure.
  7. I told him to put a lost and found/ beer drop off box out by the fence.
  8. My La Sportiviva Mega hightops rock the cracks, but the new 5.10 Pitons rule!
  9. I hope this was not the gnome I gave Porter several years ago...
  10. I like to solo easy stuff sometimes.
  11. Thanks for setting a date, my wife just booked me for helping her that day. Still cold water over there, bring a full or partial wetsuit.
  12. Thanks for the timely and good advice. The sun ended up coming out anyways and I managed to make my 12th rock climbing wednesday this year. Everyone should have rock climbing wednesdays, it's fun, and it's wednesday!
  13. I remember growing up the west side. The endless rain, the well read guidebook collection, the three months of dry rock a year,the second pot of coffee, the third bong hit, the seeping lower town wall, the frigid women. It was time to leave when my buddy said "we'll get some dry rock in june, june for sure..." Come on over sometime, come to flavor country.
  14. 2004: Me climb a lot new routes in Warshington, no write TR. 2008: Me climb even more new routes, TR still not in the works* *still waiting for photomart in Thriftway parking lot to return double prints in two weeks.
  15. 30 minutes?!? I still have not recieved my CC.com hot chick calendar...it's been a year or something!
  16. I own a canoe and a couple sea kayaks that can be used, even though they don't partay as hard as the bigger craft. I still choose them over a stinky unreliable outboard any day! Oh, how many times have I been passed by the hotshot boat full of pussy and beer, only to have it break down a minute later... Those motor head types get so easily embarrassed when you ask them if they need a tow. Oh, the bass, walleye fishing at Banks is off the hook at the moment. Sweeny DWS in the Grand Canyon
  17. A pontoon boat is what you need. I am interested in a banks lake trip. How about DWS on the Columbia river?
  18. Hey, It's raining over here in L-town today, the first time in recent memory. Just looking for some rainy day tips from the west side climbers in the house. How do you guys manage to climb in this stuff? How do you keep your hair from getting wet? It's all wet and yucky out, I can't even go outside without a coat or something!
  19. Midnight rock.
  20. Saw a comfirmed 25 pounder this last week, it was three times the size of my cat. His paws were 3 inches across!
  21. I fended off a very friendly mountain goat for half a day on saturday.
  22. I think we should just go climbing, it's still way more fun than cleaning. See you guys at Rockfest!
  23. I will be hosting a clinic on Sunday, free of charge. Spagnum, blood and drill dust: How to strike it rich by rock cleaning just 6 hours a week! Learn my proven techniques that will make you popular* fast! Rock cleaning is fun, and it pays too! Climb 5.12 instantly, no training required! Never work a real job again! *girls will still think you are nerdy.
  24. This is the only tool for the modern new router. This hammer is good for pounding iron, pulling pins, moss mixed moves, driving bolts, killing meddling kids foolish enough to discover your evil plans, removing rotten rock, light prybar work, scraping moss off... everything. Wall hammers and nut tools are a joke for cleaning a lot of moss and dirt out of cracks, this thing is a killing machine. The Estwing 22 Supreme
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