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Everything posted by lancegranite

  1. This played in Leavenworth last night, good stuff! Check it out if you can.
  2. I've seen the proofs, they looks great!
  3. So sorry I forgot to call you back. I'm shut down today. Poor form!
  4. We've got up there a couple times this last week, the rock is great.
  5. Is this like when you skip the sit start?
  6. I agree with RD here, I usually leave a laminated business card zip tied on the rope inviting people to give me a call if they have a problem.
  7. Oh lord, I'm a frickin' idiot. I gave you the wrong beta, info about routes at JY, not Trundle dome.
  8. My company has done some work for the woman who won. She is very nice and a professional performer and teacher. Lots of gymnasts/ Crique performers cross over to pro pole dancing, which is not stripping since no chothing is removed.
  9. http://skipow.com/Photography/Work/Rock-Climbing-Leavenworth.html
  10. Yeah, the face next to Janitors maybe 5.10a, the corner is called Earthmover, is 5.9 and the slab/ face extension of Barbie is 5.10, unnamed. You need some small gear for the extension. The new guidebook is at the printers right now, saw some of the proofs, they look great. Color photos and something like 2-300 new routes. Should be out in march.
  11. Givler's Dome or Icicle Butt. Close guess Telemarker, it's Warrior wall.
  12. Nice picture, glad you are OK. I use a Grigri all the time for belaying, as I nearly killed my climbing partner once when I lost my footing at the base of the wall, taking a hard 20 foot belayer swing into the cliff. I've been seriously climbing for 15 years and I can say that I let go of the rope that day, the Grigri saved Bob's life. I thought that it would never happen to me. I guess I was mistaken.
  13. It was splitter out there today, so beautiful.
  14. We were hiking Tumwater mountain (Feb. Buttress, Clems Holler area) today and I found 4 ticks on the dog and 1 in me. Unbelieveable. Super sunny and warm, it's climb time!
  15. It's been wet, but the snow is disappearing pretty quick. I was up at Trundle today and it was snow free, but patchy on the trails.
  16. Scrub it, TR it, pre-protect correctly it if you need to, and then invite a good friend to come out and onsight FA it while you belay and cheer them on because it's not about you, it's about the routes you leave behind.
  17. Thanks for the advice.
  18. Anybody here ever climb at the gloyd seeps wildlife area south east of Soap Lake? I drove around there yesterday and found nothing resembling 80' cliffbands. The Soap lake/ Dry falls area is simply incredible! Looped up and back down through the Moses Coulee and into the top of the Palisades, another huge expanse of bassalt, but not a lot of developed routes... or are there? And no ice anywhere, I hiked in a tshirt.
  19. Well said, my thoughts exactly. So many inspirational new routes have gone up this last couple years. Want to make your point? Do it the old fashoned way.
  20. A most misleading thread title.
  21. Reminds me of when I used to run the old Barrier chair.
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