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Everything posted by lancegranite
Dad and I were fondly remembering watching A-6 Intruders fly below us in the Downey Creek drainage. Another favorite was eating lunch on top of Cowbow Mtn. at Stevens and having a jet dip it's wings at eye level around 100 feet away. Tell me about getting buzzed when you were out in the mountains! A little eye candy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKdljUac1DY
I drove past Drury falls yesterday, it looks frickin' huge.
Word- This is the bottom line folks. Sometimes it's just going to be a big, bad year, this is that year and people are going to die. I just hope it's not to many.
I thought about this thread today when I passed 20 people at the top of Cowboy, with not a shovel between them from what I could see.
Maybe 15 days?... it's been snowing for almost a month, that's all I know. The Granite family rides every day we can, which is about every day. See you up there tomorrow, I'm the guy wearing a black jacket on a snowboard. Look for the supermodel ripping the trees, I'm with her.
Same story on US2 at Stevens pass, many cars have been towed due to parking on the highway shoulder. SIDE NOTE: We got hasseled by the man yesterday for hiking back to the area on the hwy. Written warnings for everyone, it almost wiped the stupid smile off my face. If you must tour, hike back to the area on the 10 foot high shoulder of the road.
Holed up in his massive partial-underground Lake Washington mansion, trying to give away his billions.
Driving down the pass last night I spotted a large fracture in the Moonlight bowl area above the Yodelin cabins. The crown looked to be 3-4 feet and 200 yards wide.
We have special plans for der treehaus once the snow melts in the spring... for now, it's twice as nice as sleeping in the back of your truck! Once the upgrade is complete, visitors will be comfortable and warm even in the coldest weather. The slide? it has aready sent at least three X-games types on their ass. Nice people are welcome, we look forward to meeting you! Those with huge self-important ego issues are welcome to stay at any one of our country's fine USGS campgrounds.
A person might want to offer to belay to the intrepid spagnum scrubber/ new router. Good partners are a most valuable commidity.
Leavenworth or Snoqualmie Pass on Saturday?
lancegranite replied to jared_j's topic in Ice Climbing Forum
The weather in L-town has not dipped below freezing in 3 days. -
The Granite family bought modest haus in Leavenworth, looking for local climbing people. We have das treehouse to accommodate visitors who wish to stay sleeping the night. The treehouse has swings and a slide.
Peaches is really close to that NA rock art, thought it was closed because of that reason?... Oh yeah, the left line is the unrepeated 5.12+ variation. Best not to worry about it, move on to another of the other 2499 climbs at RR.
Having been on fire several times,I present some plausable senarios: 1. Lighter too close to beard or hair. The most popular self-inflicted immoliation accident. Smokers of tobacco products have all done this number at least once. Not to be confused with pulling a "Marbaro man", the campfire-burning-twig routine. 2. "Fireworks accidents"* Misleadingly named,this baby is a summer favorite. Perrinially popular with excitable tween kids, staggering drunk guys. AKA: Pulling a "Saving Private Ryan" or a "Michael Jackson" *Remember, its always better to drive to the hospital than have the aid car come to the house. 3. Sleeping next to steam lines. Steam lines can keep you warm all night long, but can also create the worst burns, especially if you roll over in your sleep. Beware of lines turned on and off at random. Cardboard-cardboard-cardboard: still the best found object insulator. It saves lives folks. 4. Cooking accidents. The kitchen is a dangerous place, too many cooks in the kitchen can create a recipe for disaster. Carefully follow directions and use a measuring cup for best results. Oven mitts are not just for fancy chefs on TV, use them every time you make meth. Every time. 5. Taking it to the streets. Riots or street fighting can be very rewarding, but don't loose youe head. Burning police cars, seigeing the TV station, the smell of tear gas and smoke... the memories can last a lifetime. Even though victory for the people is in the air, prior proper planning can make the difference between a mere public disturbance and a new day for democracy. Fires are great for CNN footage, but they needlessy destroy private property that might not have been properly looted. Watch for wind shifts and be ready to fall back to a predetermened safe assembly area.
Blue Diamond, NV.
Rope access tech/production rigger/frequent flyer
Oh yeah, I bought one. Anybody need a sawzall with no batteries?
Dewalt 36 volt (with sawzall!)plus two batteries: $399.00 at Lowes.
Yeah Arch, don't you have one of those salt licks in the back yard? Hell, that's how to get a four point buck every year. And I thought you were country...
Being a big name climber myself, I make it a point not to climb with the commoners. That said, once a year I draw a name out of my solid gold chamberpot and call the lucky soul and he/she is swears an oath and signs a contract to never reveal the sacred location of my mountain lair. Upon meeting I fingerprint and run a quick credit/background check and we are off! Their magic day is spent belaying me while I scrub moss and trundle rocks all around them with nary a word, as is clearly stated in my preclimb contract. Finally, I send them up one of the classics and shout important beta at the top of my lungs until they fall or quit. Hiking out, I like to stay several steps ahead of them, in case a random hiker stumbles upon us as I don't want to be seen carrying ropes, gear, shovels, rakes and implements of destruction. At he car, I rave about the great time we had climbing and promise to call, after they leave I delete their phone number, safe for another year.
New photos of Sasquach making the rounds on the web. LINK: BFRO
Wings of Desire with John the Gambler, I was so pumped with a bolt staring me in the face, unable to let go with one hand to clip. Started to scream repeatedly "I'm going to fall!" but was too scared to fall. I finally pushed off for the harmless 25 footer. My friends were in tears, laughing so hard at my antics. I'm such a pussy sometimes.
It's kinda like being assistant night manager.