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Everything posted by fenderfour

  1. fenderfour


    hey! who cockroached the
  2. Wet with assmonkey?
  3. SShhhhh! Gator is lurking... Thread
  4. If you are really lazy, you can use your rescue pulleys to reduce drag.
  5. Then you have obviously never lowered your shoulder and knocked the bejeezus outta someone. It's nice to see the glazed look in their eye and the snot bubbles from their nose. Nevermind. Stick to skiing you weenie.
  6. A friend went up three weeks ago. I'm pretty sure they used the Beckey description. He said it was good frontpointing on hard snow up the face. The descent was pretty foul in his opinion. Crappy snow mixed with crappy rock and choss.
  7. cleanup on aisle 4...
  8. I'm bored and ressurecting for a
  9. They could definitely field a "special team"
  10. I might miss this mountie
  11. I did the DC route the last weekend in September of last year. Rockfall made the cleaver... interesting. It's definitely doable, just watch for rocks. The crevasses were huge and some of the bridges were a bit dicey. Be sure to get strong people on your rope, and you should have no prob.
  12. fenderfour


    Uhh... So why did you create a new avatar to berate gotterdamnerung?
  13. A climbing partner recommended increasing my salt intake to prevent leg cramps. I decided to keep a boullion cube in pocket and to munch on it now and again. The end result after 3 climbs is no more leg cramps. Sure as hell beats paying all that money for fancy products.
  14. fenderfour

    It's Time

    I reckon... My Fart Will Go On
  15. Those who are guilty are easily recognizable. Don't worry. You haven't sprayed yet. Give it time.
  16. mmm...
  17. Heard from the mouth of lylabob: "Climbing boys are easy" Discuss BTW - went on a trip to climb Dumbell this weekend with 3 women and 1 other guy. How often does that happen?
  18. Faaack...
  19. Excuse me ladies, I'll be pitching a tent at about ten thousand feet, and I'd like you to join me...
  20. fenderfour


    The smell of the mountains...
  21. I could be wrong, but unless you are Peter Croft you will probably need to set at least a few pieces of pro and maybe make an anchor or two...
  22. I'm rockin the big dogs too (size 15). I know that the extender bar from the BD Contact crampons is the same design as the Sabretooth, just longer. Contact BD customer service to get a new extender bar. For some ultralight Aluminum crampons - Trango makes an aluminum strap only crampon that fits to size 16.
  23. This is a bitchy crack-bolting, retro-developing that think's he's better than everyone else. So there!
  24. Then you aren't looking very hard. Check out the Eastlake Zoo tonight.
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