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Everything posted by fenderfour

  1. I keep hearing shit from people like this. Look back at WWI. Nobody thought that the actions in some backwater country like Serbia would have lead to a world war. WTF? Think about the simple dynamics - None of the other Arab countries really want to start shit in their own back yard with Israel and the US squatting in the middle. The only country that was a true loose gun was Iraq, since most of the muslim world didn't like Saddam very much (as all of you like to keep pointing out to disprove links to Al-Queda). Over the last 12 years, Saddam has become more and more bold. How much longer before he decided to lob something at Israel just for kicks? Do you think that might start a world war? I don't think it was a good time to take action, but I do think that action needed to be taken. I would bet that all of the people that are bitching about going into Iraq now would be the same ones bitching about not going into Iraq sooner if something big had happened.
  2. Check out sierratradingpost.com. They have a few plastics on sale right now. I agree with everyone else. My plastics only get broken out for ice climbing or for big slogs (Rainier). Otherwise I am using my ghetto-ass REI Monarchs for everything. $99 and Merrell quality with a gortex lining. Pretty hard to beat. They are super comfortable and accept strap-on crampons as well as anything else. I climbed the North Face of Shuksna in them this year, and they performed beautifully.
  3. Baker is in Vol III, but you could have found that out by looking at it at REI before you bought it. You may want to get Selected climbs Vol I and II instead. I think both of them combined will be about the same price as a CAG but they will be of more use to you.
  4. Adding 3 posts to make the Mr. T pagetop? That's a little disappointing.
  5. fenderfour

    More Japan

    I was Rick James, Bitch!
  6. Twice
  7. I saw Vertical Limit, does that count?
  8. I want in. I will not arrange for the Sirdar and cook. I can also make sure that the liaison officer does not receive the required gear and payment for his services. I think I might provide some beer at the next PC.
  9. The sales staff at MEC will tell you how to get your GST refunded at the border.
  10. Rock gear on a cascade volcano? Mmmmm... Choss.
  11. Since you are new, I would recommend a single rope. Doubles are a little more complicated to use. A thinner rope will take less abuse and will need to be replaced more often than a thick rope. No big deal, really. Look at the clearance websites like reioutlet.com, Mgear's sale page and Backcountry's sale page.
  12. 'nuff said bitches.
  13. Is it clean? Come on, guys, is it clean?
  14. Kneepads? Thinking about asking for a raise, are we?
  15. I hear you. You can definitely tell, in a debate, if someone is actually considering your position or not. I fucking hate that when it's obvious they don't; I usually walk because it's not worth my time. Well, it was nice to meet you, anyway. When people think you're dying, they really, really listen to you, instead of just... - instead of just waiting for their turn to speak?
  16. which one are you in the pic? I'm pretty sure we met at a pc, but I don't remember.
  17. I think Foraker has a point. I am definitely middle of the road. I discuss a lot of politics with friends who are rabid Republicans and friends who are rabid Democrats. The conservative folks usually make better arguments and have an easier time discussing subjects that they disagree with in an adult fashion. It's the liberal folks that get all bent and assholish. BTW - that doe sinclude people onm this board too. Just my observations.
  18. Beyond "Women Were Designed For Homemaking", some sick high school student jammed 58 's in a cage for 30 day s and 30 nights to prove that Noah did have enough room in his ark. "All of the specimens lived long enough to reproduce".
  19. mmm... cutthroat
  20. 007 may have some ideas... Maybe you and he can go on a trip to Torres Del Paine?
  21. fenderfour

    Poop Thread

    Nothing inspires the imagination of the cc.com sprayers like a poo thread.
  22. How does the rack mount?
  23. Sold pending transaction.
  24. Don't you have some foreign dignitaries to protect?
  25. As requested - the Snugtop test. 007, let's go climbing. Pm me or send an e-mail to fenderfourATyahoo.com. I'm in the Seattle area, but I will travel a bit for a climb.
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