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Everything posted by ChrisT

  1. not as rioutously funny as your last TR but a well written tome nonetheless.
  2. either that or he's hiding. Drat! and I wanted to domesticate him too.
  3. haven't touched it yet...could be a snapper turtle for all I know.
  4. kids are gone for the week but I'd like to keep it til they get back. My neighbor says they eat meat. I think he's a wild turtle from the creek.
  5. my personal life is fluxing right now as well resulting in not much climbing for me either.
  6. when I slogged up Hood in late May (starting from the parking lot) I bumped into a friend of mine just below the hogs back who had taken the cat up to the top of plamer...to save time I guess. Still ended up summitting ahead of him as he had to double back and fetch his crampon.
  7. I *love* Diana Krall! Heard she's engaged to Elvis Costello.
  8. I think you are correct good sir. The info is also on the BR web site. You gonna climb it? "Call the park at (509) 427-8265 for more information" No exact date was given...only "mid-July".
  9. ChrisT

    climbing question

    Nice job Muffy! Very inspiring.
  10. still use the red one a lot, basket and all. The yellow hasn't been ridden in prob 10 years. It's the kind you see the dudes at airports riding around. I'll ask.
  11. We have two schwinn cruisers. A red one and a yellow one.
  12. Caveman - you're a day late and a dollar short
  13. ChrisT


    chat is where it's at man.
  14. sounds like WWII in the hood. My nerves!
  15. ChrisT


    late night chat anyone?
  16. ChrisT


    I just heard "You're still a young man" dedicated to Dwayner
  17. ChrisT

    Tru Dat

    but I think he is Rob. I think he's talking gun-totin' fight pickin' violence. I was merely talking about men I know personally...my father, brothers, husband and son. All very non-violent people. The only one who gets remotely violent is my youngest brother and that's only when he's had too much too drink.
  18. ChrisT

    Tru Dat

    but my son is not violent at all. In fact he failed at team sports because he didn't have that "killer instinct". He's very kind and considerate too despite hours of video games. You can't make a blanket statement like that. Just not true.
  19. ChrisT

    Tru Dat

    yes poor choice of words...but this thread was started by trask. What do you want me to say?
  20. ChrisT

    Tru Dat

    I meant most men I know are NOT violent. Quite the opposite. And violence is mainly acting out of fear anyway.
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