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Everything posted by ChrisT

  1. *love* Mono Lake but haven't been there in years. Hot in the valley Dan?
  2. ChrisT

    Chit CHAT

    are you on a PC? Just click "click here to chat"
  3. ChrisT

    Chit CHAT

    oh pooh! anyone else? MtnChicken come and chat with use
  4. I think you really must be a chicken if you need a gun to protect yourself. Find a partner then you won't need to saw your arm off when it gets stuck under a boulder either.
  5. He has a lot of hair but I've only seen him from the back.
  6. You can also say do not call me ever again and they're supposed to honor that.
  7. hi Rob I was wondering what happened to you
  8. Loved Black Hawk Down. Excellent flick. Just saw Eyes Wide Shut ended up skipping most scenes and going straight to the orgy
  9. Cliffhanger was laughable but i never saw Eiger Sanction. Are you recommending it?
  10. wanna talk about it? I'm in the chat room
  11. ChrisT

    Interest Rates?

    doing it right now Jeff
  12. ChrisT

    Interest Rates?

    well I know that already but what I'm wondering is will mortgage interest rates go down lower than 5%? In Japan the rate reached 0% at one point. trask you got an opinion on this?
  13. ChrisT

    Interest Rates?

    Are they going up or down? What's your take? Seem to recall there are a few mortgage brokers on this board.
  14. ChrisT

    yakity yak

    Anyone feel like chatting?
  15. ditto. That woman's voice really grates. blech! Also Lisa Marie Presley sounds AWFUL. Like a guy. Why does she even bother?
  16. recently heard a re-make of "Boys of Summer"...it's not bad.
  17. ChrisT

    One Hit Wonders

    All of devo's tunes were hits IMHO. Now he does the music for "Rugrats".
  18. Thanks for the warning... seeing as how he's moving to PDX soon.
  19. I was only speaking for myself. You're in a mischevious mood tlg. oh and then I need someone to bring my ashes back to the US and scatter them in the crater of Mt. St. helens
  20. If I was terminal I'd got to the Netherlands. They do the death with diginity well over there.
  21. ChrisT

    One Hit Wonders

    Funny I knew some guys in college who had a band and called themselves the "Living Abortions"...LA for short.
  22. ChrisT

    One Hit Wonders

    Sorry it's "U Can't Touch This"
  23. ChrisT

    One Hit Wonders

    Ah MC Hammer...good ol Oakland boy..."Can't touch this"
  24. ChrisT

    One Hit Wonders

    Yes but did Concrete Blonde ever have more than one hit? I can't even remember what it was.
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