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Everything posted by ChrisT

  1. ChrisT

    Deutsch clubs

    wrong. ausgezeichnet = excellent
  2. Nice photos BG...sorry I missed it!
  3. ChrisT

    I got a job.

    Congrats CBS. I think I welcomed you to the world of unemployment when you got laid off...now I welcome you back to the world of work
  4. somebody a little bored at work today?
  5. ChrisT

    natter chatter

    I'm missing out on all the good gossip and deep discussions with D.
  6. ChrisT

    natter chatter

    snoboy - been waiting for you to fix the chat for months now
  7. I used to do pro-bono work for this organization which promotes"salmon safe" farming practices.
  8. Interesting stats...but I thought the US was at 51%.
  9. ChrisT

    latest books read

    I'm reading a good anthology - I think it's called "Climbing :Stories of survival on rock, ice and snow". Something like that. Found it at the library. I'm really into NF these days.
  10. Yep and Fred Becky is quite the chic magnet too!
  11. or do you make metal sculpture ala Mark Bullwinkle?
  12. right on...for a metal worker you seem to have a lot of free time. you a foreman or something?
  13. still in a bad mood? go read a book
  14. ChrisT

    Sex Is Like...

    hmmm...not gettin' any?
  15. ChrisT


    swordsman?!?!?!? never heard that one before
  16. ChrisT


    that stuff is scary to me!!! Just start with "sex in the city" honey
  17. But you just wouldn't hold still RobBob!
  18. ChrisT


    It sounds like you are advocating serial monogamy. Yes? the term sounds a little new agey...but I don't think love is absolute. It grows and changes just like people do. Face it - marriage is a MAN made institution and a little out moded today.
  19. ChrisT


    I don't believe in the concept of "forever". Much nicer to love many people throughout one's lifetime.
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