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Everything posted by ChrisT

  1. You might also like "A million little pieces" by James Frey. Just came out. I was sad to hear about CK's death. She was only 42!
  2. "Drinking: A love story"? Great book. CK recently died of lung cancer. Well I guess it's been a year now...
  3. Thanks for the info. I'll prob stay put for now. They're friends of mine and have been hosting me since 1998.
  4. Well I'm only asking because I currently pay $9.95 per month and it's high bandwidth (I guess...I'm on cable) but I only get 10MB per month and I'm too cheap to upgrade. Once you start uploading photos, you tend to use up your data storage pretty fast.
  5. How much are they charging for this?
  6. ChrisT

    Fuck Hollywood

    It's fun when you guys get together.
  7. ChrisT

    Fuck Hollywood

    Boy... mattp and Fairweather haven't been at it in awhile. You two should do "point/counterpoint".
  8. Those living in So. Wash. will be treated to my photo of Sen. Maria Cantwell on the front page of tomorrow's Columbian.
  9. ChrisT

    Fuck Hollywood

    Try some foreign flicks. I have personally liked "Talk to Her" and "Y Tu Mama Tambien". They're also generally sexier than Hollywood fare.
  10. whoops sorry - that was day before the chunk fell. oh duh!
  11. We started up a little after midnight and summitted at 7am this morning. Conditions were great on the way up. We used crampons starting at the Hogsback but did not rope up. The bergschrund is open but easily maneuvered. The descent was a soupy, slushy, mushy mess. My advice: do it early to avoid crowds and warm temps.
  12. It was a blast! Even bumped into Diedrick on the way up!
  13. Conditions were similar this morning and I share your sentiments! We summited at 7am to primo conditions up top but by the time we got to Silcox it was a slushy, mushy mess.yuk!
  14. Well he wanted to work at Baskin Robbins with all the cute chicas but you have to be 18.
  15. His job was selling newspaper subscriptions door to door and he's quit already. A salesman he is not.
  16. Is this simple metaphor too complicated??? What about the folks who subscribe to Penthouse, Hustler and Playboy for years and years and years...displaying them in their bathrooms...most men never seem to get tired of those... they keep opening them up again and again. Also the lifelong subscribers to TV Guide. Every week, true and faithful, it's there on the coffee table. Have even heard of couples who've been National Geo subscribers for over 50 years! Honestly Pete, I think you're just choosing the wrong magazines.
  17. the metaphor was lost on me too
  18. Has he discovered punk rock yet? There's truly nothing like having a bunch of fast, loud music that speaks to exactly how you feel to listen to. And what better way to get your aggros out than screaming along at top volume to your favorite outcast anthems and diving into the mosh pit with a bunch of like-minded miscreants? Good, healthy outlet. He's recently discovered Nirvana, Pearl Jam and Freeze-Pop (?) or is it SqueezePop. Some indie band that even you might like DFA.
  19. So you want all the boys, eh? You crack me up!
  20. my son for your daughter? Or daughter for daughter?
  21. Interesting but I find the opposite to be true at the moment. Our 12 year old daughter seems to be much happier, perkier and more easy-going than her ultra-moody brother. Go figger.
  22. Best advice I've heard all day! I'll be heading up the Southside tonight. Thanks Mr. Ducknut...whoever you are!
  23. OK Let's sign him up!!!!!!
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