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Everything posted by ChrisT

  1. ChrisT

    Tru Dat

    most men I know are wimps
  2. ChrisT


    Sorry Dwayner - I crashed perhaps I am not quite ready to inherit the throne of chat queen.
  3. ChrisT


    made you look!
  4. ChrisT


    Anyone want to kill some time in the chat room?
  5. ChrisT

    Happy Canada Day!

    Notice the absence of our Canadian friends? Guess they're all out celebrating.
  6. ChrisT


    chat seems a little unstable for me this evening. I keep crashing! But there are lots of other nice people in there. It's like a big warm hot tub. Enjoy!
  7. ChrisT


    if anyone cares, come to the chat room
  8. you can just smell the testosterone in the air tonight.
  9. Hemingway was quite the man. Didn't he shoot himself in the head?
  10. ChrisT

    Utah is Hot TR

    Move to spray! instantly!
  11. ChrisT


    Both of you! GO TO YOUR ROOMS AND DON'T COME OUT! NO SUPPER EITHER...little brats... spray away in the SPRAY section!
  12. ChrisT


    um layton started it and now he's some kind of cc.com saint or something.
  13. ChrisT


    Doesn't this thread belong in spray?
  14. Remember "Big Top Pee Wee"? The character known as "shim"?
  15. Better yet, Billygoat, ask yourself this question: Is there any extent you would not go to to insure the lives and safety of those around you and the ones you love, as best you can? Seriously. Thanks for folding like a house of cards, Billygoat; I knew you would. Bully! (Like your new avatar BTW)
  16. yeah nothing special and I have a hard time believing they really are MN whoever he/she is
  17. disappeared off the face of the earth I guess.
  18. down at the river yesterday I saw a young woman who had both her arms covered in tattoos. They looked like permanent sleeves. Come to think of it, most of the people at the river had tattoos. ho-hum.
  19. oh man that was hilarious. Funniest thing I ever read on this board.
  20. ChrisT

    beer tax :@

    In Oregon they tax everything EXCEPT sales. I think a sales tax would solve the state's $$$ problems...
  21. ChrisT

    Moron Drivers

    Even tho I am originally from CA, every time i go down and visit, I am amazed by the crazy drivers (and the Bay Area traffic of course). People in CA drive like race car drivers! I feel like a slow poke at 70mph! OK rant over. Aren't you on vacation Dan? You're a teacher right?
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