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Everything posted by ChrisT

  1. ChrisT


    Dwayner's cool
  2. If you think it can't get any worse in CA, let's just have a repeat of the 89 world series!
  3. well I would rather see the Giants at PacBell Park but they're out of town
  4. GO A's!!!! I got tickets for Saturday's game v. Toronto.
  5. Can anyone recommend a good national dial-up service (with no roaming:) )? So that I can just plug-in my power book wherever I happen to be and then log in to the service. Something that's not tied to a specific location?
  6. Chris - When are you guys having another party?
  7. Day passes at Club Sport, if DFA remembers right, are 15 bucks (i.e. just under half the cost of a MONTH at the PRG). Also, the new PRG is being built at the intersection of Sandy & Burnside, across Burnside from Hippo Hardware. They've got the footings down, and it looks like they'll be starting on the CMU walls pretty soon (perhaps today?). Supposedly it should be done this fall, but construction projects never finish on time, so who knows? Hopefully by the end of the year, though. It's gonna be sick. Walls are all gonna be by Compwall, and they'll have separate roped and bouldering areas for less clusterage. I saw the new building yesterday and it's coming along nicely. Also, they said they'll be offering more yoga classes (as much as 3x a day). What more could you want in a gym?
  8. ChrisT

    Confucius say:

    "she who laughs lasts"
  9. If Off_White acted, I'm sure he had good reason.
  10. How does Sept 6&7 work for everybody? This weekend is good for us. Plus my son, Max, who is 15 is really good with the little ones. So bring your 3 year olds and we'll take turns entertaining them should the rock fail.
  11. Great idea! I'm in with my two big kids as well. When were you thinking exactly?
  12. only two of the teens (12 and 15) are mine but Max may bring his friend Max.
  13. i'm putting together a last minute trip with the kids so I'll have three teenagers in tow. Or will it be just us and the tourons?
  14. California is far from dead. I go there about once a month and it's alive and kicking as far as I can tell.
  15. I also read that book, steered to it by catbirdseat. I love the old fire lookouts. Haven't been on 3 Fingers, hope to someday, but I did reach the Desolation lookout where Kerouac spent the summer and later wrote about it in Dharma Bums.
  16. somehow I thought Matt was the most common name on this site. Didn't three of them get married last year?
  17. Who has the stronger powers...Jeanie or Samantha of Bewitched? I personally think it's Samantha. Once jeanie gets corked in her bottle, it's all over.
  18. ChrisT


    still waiting for snoboy to fix the chat thingie for me.
  19. Maybe we should add the "Betty vs. Veronica" debate.
  20. I'm missing the rain as well. A nice downpour would certainly cool things off.
  21. we have determined that it's a mediterranean tortoise, approx. 10 years old (they live up to 70!) and prob abandoned by our former neighbors and their 5 kids.
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