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Everything posted by ChrisT

  1. ChrisT

    Any Mars Watchers?

    I thought this thread was titled "Any War Marchers?"
  2. ChrisT

    Noontime Report

    was wondering where you went to...
  3. ChrisT

    funny book

    lummox has good taste in books...
  4. Unfortunately my two kids and I are out for this one (9/6-9/7 right?)...it's not "my weekend".
  5. Nice TR! Glad you all made it back safely. I miss my canoe.
  6. those kind of lawyers don't come cheap either!
  7. Funny that you mention it, I found my last housemates in PDX through Craig's list...cool kids too. All the cool people use craigs list.
  8. Dru knows I like to tease him about his numerous avatars. Basically we are all Dru's avatars
  9. daisy chongo whillans extremomtndude miloshk antoponov johnny_destiny amber g_spotter yaya crank_sloper dumpster diver chepe darkstar wrench 666 muslimhacker melissasendv9 boltmonster richard noggin burp zdfg foo foo donna top step cobra spraybourbon and any other avatars out there Dru - those are all YOUR avatars
  10. ChrisT


    Why did I start climbing? Because it's fun, builds strength and the guys are cute... No existential crap from me!
  11. ChrisT


    It's starting to sound more like a religion than a sport around here
  12. so get a pair of your own...
  13. Hey! what about the "female voice of reason"!?!?
  14. try craigslist. someone on this board referred me there and that's how I got my job Also good for roommate/rental gigs.
  15. Good Luck runners! I'll be chained to my desk this weekend
  16. ChrisT


    Haven't watched TV in months but when I was housesitting I did get hooked on sex in the city Cable is a rip off
  17. A friend of mine who is the lead singer in a band called Noir City rec'd a really good write up in the W. Week. Only 4 bucks!
  18. ChrisT

    phawkin ER

    when I was in the ER I threatened to faint to speed things up but all they did was pull up a wheelchair
  19. ChrisT

    Thirty Years Ago

    I just remember flying down the trail...my pack light sans food...and we stopped at some little store at the end of the trail, picked up a copy of the SF Chron and said "Whoa...Nixon resigned". Kind of nice to be out of the loop sometimes.
  20. ChrisT

    Thirty Years Ago

    older than the hills and twice as dusty
  21. ChrisT

    Thirty Years Ago

    Exactly 29 years ago (give or take a day) I came off a two week backpacking trip in Yosemite to find out Nixon had resigned.
  22. ChrisT


    Have you been to Disneyland yet?
  23. ChrisT


    best night of chatting I ever had was with Dwayner
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