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Everything posted by ChrisT

  1. michael underscore layton defintely lives up to the legend. nice to have met you
  2. and why weren't you at the plab fest, grumpy? (to AmberLummox)
  3. ifn you ant to label yourself 'old' thats your deal. i look at pro athletes like 40 year old karl malone training his ass off year round and 48 year old edwin moses coming back into competing at a worldclass level and say 'fuck labels and the limitations they imply'. know what im saying? jaded has nothing to do with your physical condition whipper snapper
  4. Rob put that sword away already! (BTW I heard you moved!?!?!?)
  5. we had a quick iain/DFA sighting on our way out yesterday
  6. Isn't it easier for a woman to start a harem in Alaska?...hmmm?
  7. yes Steve's great...even if he is having somewhat of a navel crisis
  8. just got back...Met a lot of really nice people. Did a little climbing too.
  9. um...who's gonna moderate the board if everyone's at the Tuff Love Fest? I guess they've all gone already!
  10. sorry to let you down yet again BG, but that weekend it's back to SF for me...
  11. ChrisT


    care to chat?
  12. ChrisT


    It's a blast! I was there in '81! Have fun!
  13. Nice shot Tim. Way to go shred!
  14. ChrisT

    Hey Oregonians!

    A measure that was voted for TWICE by Oregonians...
  15. Some people take this stuff waaaaaaaay too seriously.
  16. ChrisT


    go hang a salami i'm a lasagna hog
  17. My webbing was used to tow a car and I promptly returned it!
  18. a dubious acheivement to be sure
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