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Everything posted by ChrisT

  1. ChrisT


    I finally got on! Anyone feel like chatting now?
  2. ChrisT

    penis sighting

    Looks like Pinnochio! Puppetry of the penis?
  3. I was teasing my brother about the mullet he wore in HS (class of '80) but he kept insisting it was merely "feathered" ala Farah Fawcett.
  4. First you gotta climb a few Himalayan summits.
  5. I think I read in some rag that he gets like 20K per speaking engagement. Go Ed!
  6. Nice photos. I've always been fond of that hole in your lycra. Are you walking much these days?
  7. The book review said it's not a very good book anyway and readers will have to wait for Bill's book next year to get the real dope. ka ching!
  8. ChrisT


    Is vomiting def a symptom? A friend of mine has been seriously ill recently. She started with a UTI but developed high fever and chills. Subsequent tests revealed ecoli (sp?) and now doctors even suspect malaria (she was in Panama back in Feb.)
  9. He's my man (This from a former A's fan)
  10. um... there's some kind of trick to it? Seems pretty easy to me
  11. ChrisT

    lustworthy women!

    Nice that you like Nigella...she's actually older than me! At last someone older than me
  12. ChrisT


    you guys are easily amused...wanna meet in the chat room?
  13. ChrisT


    bitch is ok cuz you can call a man that too but the c-word is def the lowest of lows...
  14. Nice TR Jason. Good story. Great photos! Sorry about your trouble with S. Wash. hicks!
  15. ChrisT

    Sup Nuts?

    I"m having a sudden burst of energy and thinking about cleaning the bathroom. ISn't the chat room open?
  16. I think I provided some erroneous info above. Free fishing only in Oregon this weekend. Have fun!
  17. ChrisT


    I *love* Bjork!
  18. Save as jpegs,upload to gallery and don't dare post any of me!
  19. ok I just ran through the spinkler and I feel MUCH better!
  20. growing up in the Bay Area I'm a real whoos (sp?) when it comes to hot weather.
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