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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. Do you actually know the story behind David Johnston's death? If you did you wouldn't be calling him stupid.
  2. Read my PM, I save the insults for private discussion, asshole.
  3. Why aren't you on the road, wanker?
  4. Check out this site.
  5. E-rock

    atmospheric CO2

    Hey Necro! Read a fucking book on the Carbon Cycle, instead of some pamphlets that the hippies in bellingham keep handing you on the street corner.
  6. Orrin Hatch is the biggest fucking hypocritcal, right-wing loser in the Senate. He cares nothing for the environment of his state (Utah), he governs based on religious ideology that only a small minority of zeolots adhere to (Mormonism), and he continually recieves hard and soft-money contributions from industries that always win out when Hatch sponsers a piece of legislation. He is as corrupt as a politician gets. But I suppose his opinions on the personal life of a misogynist are highly revered by like-minded individuals.
  7. E-rock

    atmospheric CO2

    I wonder how many of those Ph.D's who have signed the petition have degrees in economics or foreign affairs. Furthermore, upon skimming the names on the petition for washington state, I could find no Earth and Space Scientists, or Atmospheric Scientist here at UW (leaders in the field of climate change) who signed it.
  8. Dear god, my greatest hopes have been shattered. Alas, extremo isn't real.
  9. Dear god! You can't fucking be serious?!!
  10. You mean butt rocker, "Hall of the Mountain King" Savatage? Scary.
  11. Yes you do sukka! It's "Born to be Wild" Like a true nature's child....
  12. Wow, how PC AND original. A thread that bitches about trustafarians. What's next Necro? Commercials before movies?
  13. r u you gonna put a cover on the bench seat?? LMAO
  14. I'll be at pub club tonight, smart guy. I'm not the one who hides behind anonymity.
  15. i call bullshit. i see nowhere in that thread where i wrote any 'personal attacks and insults'. though i do note that someone erased my comment that grades are basically binary: either you can climb it or you cant. i also note that you have insulted me in your post. not clever. or wise. whatever. Cry a river. This is spray. You were moderated. Get it?
  16. Look Lummox, sometimes I think you're funny. But most of the time you're a straight-up asshole. I started a discussion that had to do with some of my personal observations, a discussion I was encouraged to start by some of my friends. However, you turn things into personal attacks and insults that have nothing to do with the discussion. The reason you were banned in the first place. If cascadeclimbers is to be a place for free and open discussion, we'd be better off without your dumb ass around here. Perhaps the right-wingers will get all uppity about FREEDOM, when people start being banned. But there is room for fun, and discussion, without the mindless and incessant flaming that happens in Spray carrying on in other places as well. Clearly, from your post YOU are the one who has things backwards, because your definition of spray (chest-beating) does not necessarily hurt this website, whereas your definition of giving-people-shit often does. Capiche?
  17. I disagree with the notion that internal consistency at an area is enough (ESPECIALLY when a certain guidebook author is ACTIVELY inflating grades). The point of the Yosemite decimal system is that 5.10a,b,c or d at one area is supposed to feel the same as those same grades somewhere else. After climbing with a professional route-setter this weekend, I was keen on his desire to keep the grading accurate with the etablished yosemite decimal system standard, not just what certain people in his neck of the world think that standard is.
  18. I wanted to bring this up for discussion and see what others thought about the situation in Squamish. Perhaps Kevin McLane is deserving of some letters from the climbing community. After climbing a lot at Squamish this summer I felt like I was improving. I climb for the numbers. I'm not afraid to admit it. I'm not a naturally gifted climber, and I measure my progress by the grades that I send. This summer I felt like I was making a breakthrough, consistently sending one letter grade harder than I had in the past, and on-sighting a couple of times two-letter grades higher. Then after a return to Index and trip to Smith to climb in the gorge I got the smack down. Grades in Squamish are REALLY weak, two letter grades weak. Examples: Seasoned in the sun (10b) is closer to 5.9. Exasperator is closer to 10a (maybe 10b) Diedre is 5.6 (NOT 5.8) Many 5.8's are really 5.7 All of those great cracks on the Starr Wall are softer than the guidebook says: i.e. Slap and tickle (though tenuous) has big enough feet at the crux to be 5.9 (book says 10b) Paul's crack is easily 5.9 (not 10a) High Mt Woody is easily 5.8 (not 5.9) The 10b pitch on Birds of Prey is PERFECT Hands (and short). It would probably be 5.9 in the valley. The 5.8 pitches on birds of prey are so low-angle they wouldn't even be 5.8 if there WASN'T a finger crack there. Furthermore, at many climbing areas 10a is a common grade in the 10's whereas 10b is relatively uncommon in comparison because the grade (10b) represents a significant increase in difficulty over 10a. At Squamish 10b's are everywhere you look. Does it serve any real purpose to the climbing community to inflate grades in a guide book? I've heard that McLane inflated grades between each successive version of his guidebook (or maybe inflated the grades of an older author). Maybe people have already called McLane on his grade-softening, but perhaps he needs it again before his next book comes out. Maybe most people don't give a shit, because they don't take numbers seriously (I know a lot of people who don't). But when you are really trying to push your onsight level, consistent, accurate grading is important. People talk about Index, or the Gunks being sandbagged. But aren't they really just the standard? Why should we expect 5.10 to be easy? It's not.
  19. It was pretty apparent already that you're a quack. Now you're gonna have a license to prove it.
  20. E-rock


    Craig. You cannot copy and paste the URL from the browser address. You must right click on the image itself, and look at the PROPERTIES, then copy and past the URL from the properties popup to your post using the Image function under the UBB instant code. That way you are actually linking to the image itself, rather than the page in the photo album that contains your image. There's a difference. Ooops everyone said that already.
  21. E-rock

    Dark Ages

    Gripping! I hope this exciting tale has a happy ending.
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