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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. Driving to SLC from Indian Creek late on a Sunday night. While somewhere in that worthless, flat expanse south of Price and east of the San Rafael Swell, I just COULD NOT stay awake any longer. After nodding off one time too many, I pulled into the first dirt pulloff I found. It turned out to be a frontage road long a railroad grade. Twice in the middle of the night, big, loud freighers came through, scaring me so badly that I had rolled completely under my little 1982 Subaru hatchback before I was even awake. Both times I woke up squashed under the muffler with freight train roaring past and my heart beating 1000 miles an hour.
  2. Ahh, the standard method of winning an argument on cc.com!
  3. E-rock

    good news from iraq

    It's funny to watch grown men pull the wool over their own eyes. Cockburn is a fairly common last name, Trash.
  4. E-rock

    good news from iraq

    "What the Israelis had done by way of collective punishment of Palestinians was now happening in Iraq, Sheikh Hussein added." The israelis have been doing this for several years now. It is considered a grievous violation of Jewish Law.
  5. E-rock

    Music taste?

    Just because I'm know for this: All I have to say to the suggestions on this thread, is "blech".
  6. E-rock

    DFA Recordings

    DFA has gotten into the recording business!
  7. Hmm, I wonder if switch hitters are more likely to be bi.
  8. Then send her a polite email. Christ in this day and age you can email the fucking PRESIDENT.
  9. Sorry Ruedi, I planned to make a disclaimer in my post and got lazy. I knew what your point was, and I do not disagree with it. I'm disagreeing with the direction that certain overly negative and insecure posters have taken the thread. I think that a discussion about the overt commercialization of childhood stardom is important because it often ruins lives. But a trash-athon that includes a post insulting how ATTRACTIVE a 15 YEAR OLD GIRL is, crosses a line, don't you think?
  10. EDIT: I think a discussion of over commercialization of children is an interesting and important topic, but it's not easy to steer the topic back to RuMr's original direction because of the absurd negativity that has developed on this thread: You know what... I keep hearing this CRAZY sheeit? Dig: When a team wins the WORLD SERIES they are crowned WORLD CHAMPION, but noone else in the world gets a chance to play for th title. OUTRAGE! Or the SUPERBOWL WINNER is crowned WORLD CHAMPION, and nobody in the CFL gets to contend it! Is this what this website has come to. Insulting a 15 year old girl for having the audacity to make a claim that was bestowed upon her by an accepted competition league. She's not even around to defend herself. Weren't people whining about the same thing over in the D D D DWHINER thread. Get a grip childrens.
  11. E-rock


    Wow, who'da thunk that making posts on a website behind anonymous avatars even mildly resembles insulting someone to their face, even if they are registered users? Curious indeed.
  12. E-rock

    Who Is Fooling Who?

    Huh???? This just sounds like a bunch of geeky boat talk gibberish to me.
  13. E-rock

    Who Is Fooling Who?

    Oooh the MASONIC LODGE! Tres Chic! Guess I should keep my dumb geek mouth shut.
  14. E-rock

    Who Is Fooling Who?

    Everybody knows the jocks are not cool later in life, therefore they hang onto their high school glory days like Al Bundy.
  15. E-rock

    Who Is Fooling Who?

    awefully cynical today, did you lose your 12-sided dice again?
  16. 14 hours to SLC is the reasonable estimate. Do not count on 12. You may surprise yourself, but it's unlikely unless you are an aggro road-tripper. 4 hours is a reasonable estimate to I.C. If you drive south from Burley, ID you can make it to City of Rocks in maybe 12 hours or less from Seattle
  17. Wow all this talk of PRODUCTIVITY has me feeling so SUPERIOR. Especially since the world-wide-web makes us all so much more PRODUCTIVE than those SOCIALIST FREAKS in the rest of the world. I think I'm gonna go build a log cabin or something.
  18. If it's cheap, go for it. They are good trancievers. All modern transcievers, once you learn how to use them, do their job well.
  19. Well, from your perspective, Cracked, sounds like art is immitating life?
  20. E-rock

    Road Trip

    Truckers Atlas I'm going to Colorado to unload my head I'm going to New York City and that's in New York, friends I'm going to Arizona sex on the rocks all warm and red and we bled and the writing in stall said "we write our maps in the stalls" I'm going up to Alaska I'm going to get off scot-fucking-free and we all did This trucker's atlas knows the ways the freeways and highways don't know The buzz from the bird on my dash Road locomotive home I don't feel and it feels great I sold my atlas by the freight stairs I do lines and I crossed roads I crossed the lines of all the great state roads I'm going up going over to Montana You got yourself a trucker's atlas You knew you were all hot Well maybe you'll go and blow a gasket You start at the northwest corner Go down through California beeline you might drive three days and three nights to the tip of Florida Do you speak the lingo? Oh No. No no How far does your road go? Oh no, you don't know I'm going to Colorado to unload my head I'm going to New York City and that's in New York, friends I'm going up to Alaska I'm going to get off scot-fucking-free And we all did And the writing in the salt says We ride on out to the stars I'm going to Arizona Sex on the rocks all warm and red This is the best driving tape ever. I've gone through 3 or 4 since the album came out back in 98 or so.
  21. I don't have a truck! Umm, err nevermind, yeah, heh, Erik's truck, yeah.
  22. Learn to ski, Eric. You will be much happier.
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